Sunday, September 14, 2008

100 things about me ...

My sister-in-law did this on her blog ... I thought it was fun so here goes ....

100. I am the second of 4 or third of 10 depends on which parent you ask :)

99. I am perfectly delightful in every way ... ask anyone ...:o)

98. I was on the show Hotel Balderdash when I was little ... it was a cartoon show that came on in the morning.

97. My parents divorced when I was 3

96. I tried to convince my friends in elementry school that Bill Cosby was my dad.

95. It never occured to me that he was black and I was a fair skinned norwegian!... oh well

94. I love to read! I have always loved to read!

93. I used to hide in a walk in closet when I was a kid and read in the middle of the night.

92. I wanted the part of Mary in the church Christmas play when I was five

91. I got the part of the angel ...

90. I was told it was because I could sing and she couldn't ...

89. I wasn't convinced

88. I fell in love with Bobby N when I was in first grade ... I thought we would get married someday.

87. I am not a fickle woman ... I loved him until he moved away in the 3rd grade!

86. I never married him ...

85. My first kiss was with Michael R in the back yard.

86. He called my brother retarded and I threw a stick at him!



83. I met my first bestest friend while rollerskating on the play ground (we were 9)

82. She is still my friend (now we're old)

81. My dad remarried when I was 9

80. My first pet was a cat named Jennifer

79. Santa Claus used to come to our house every Christmas eve to visit !!! No, really!! In person! I was 9 whenI figured out it was uncle Ken!

78. Looks like 9 was a busy year for me!

77. I hated Jr High ( show me a child who liked it!)

76. It was there I encountered my first bully

75. I wrote about her years later and it was published in a Chicken Soup for the Soul Book

74. I went to an all night slumber party with the Girls Scouts at the YMCA

73. It was one of the best nights of my life.

72. I got sick at Girl Scout Camp in Ogden canyon

71. I got to ride to Ogden Regional Medical center in an ambulance!

70. I thought I was so cool!

69. I am horribly afraid of heights!

68. I used to sluff math class by hanging out in the Seminary building

67. I went to East High School .. Go Leopards!

66. I was going to marry someone who finally told me he was gay

65. we never got married!

64. I worked in the mailroom at the church offices for 10 years

63. I delivered the mail to the General authorities

62. Elder Boyd K Packer called me "pickles" (long story)=, I'll blog about it sometime)

61. I was stuck in an elevetor with L Tom Perry for 30 minutes

60. I "borrowed" my mother's car and was pulled over by a police officer

59. I thought I was going to get arrested!

58. My friend laughed at me until she peed her pants

57. And then I peed my pants

56. My skirt fell off while I was standing on the Plaza by the Marriot Library at the U.

55. It was the first time in my life I actually got cat calls!

54. One Saturday, while visiting my dad, my brothers cornered me and tickled me until I peed my pants ...I still feel the trauma! :)

53. My brother passed away after being hit with a car

52. It was the worst day of my life!

51. He's been gone for 26 years and I miss him like it was yesterday

50. I went away to be a nanny in Connecticut

49. I was there for a year

48. It was one of the greatest experiences in my life!

47. I lived with my grandparents while I went to the U

46. My grandpa used to nose through my things

45. My newly wed sister gave me birth control pills so he'd have something to "find"

44. I spent the next 10 years trying to convince him it was a joke!

43. I once was awakened by the whiskers of a mouse!! It was in my bed!!!

42. I screamed so loud, my grandpa thought someone had broken in to the house!

41. I peed my pants

40. I think we've established that I have a small, week bladder!

39. When I was a nanny I went to a Christmas party at Ron Howard's house! (he's very nice)

38. I got lost in NYC when I refused to go to a bar with my friends

37. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a wonderful thing!

36. He helped me find my way!

35. If I could live anywhere in the world I would want a cottage in the mountains ... or a cottage on the beach

34. I write poetry and stories

33. My dream job would be to be able to make enough money to live on by writing

32. When I was little I wanted to be a red carpet reporter!

31. My drama teacher in High school once encouraged a career in acting

30. I was in a community theater production of "Fiddler on The Roof"

29. I was also the scarecrow in "The Wizard Of OZ"

28. I played a crazy lady in the production of "The Attic"

27. I was once in a community choir called Choreo

26. We made three CD's that can be purchased at Deseret book

25. I still dream of being a songwriter

24. I wanted to be a wife and a mom

23. I have faith that sometime in eternity that will still happen

22. I have an eternal companion ... His name is Ben ... (see previous blog)

21. I was in the primary presidency in one calling or another for 7 years

20. I was only released because I moved

19. I bought my first Condo when I was 37

18. I have taught in Relief Society

17. I have been the secretary in the Young Women

18. I am now on the activities committee

17. I Love being an Auntie

16. My nieces: Brittani 22, Hannah 15, Devin 19, Ana Murin 7, Annie 4, Audrey 6, Lily 1, Kate 2, Natali' 5, Niki 20, Ashley (passed away at 20 in 2007)

15. My nephew's: Anthony 23, Brandon 21, Eric 14, Andrew 21, Sam 12, Noah 3, Christopher 26, Levi 16, Zaccari 17, Corey was 11 when he passed away from cancer

14. My grand neices are Sariah 4, and Jordan 1, and my grand nephew Chaim 6.

13. I love my family ... they bring joy to my heart

12. I love to make crafts ... mostly card making and scrapbooking

11. I also crochet and do bead work

10. I like my job ... I credential doctors

9. I dream about having enough money to buy my dream house

8. Being a published novalist is a dream I am working on making come true

7. I studied English/journalism and creative writing in college

6. I would like to write a screen play someday.

5. I was endowed 20 yars ago this October 8th

4. I have a strong testimony of the gospel!

3. House work is not my forte' ... I love to blog! (I post this as I sit in my dirty, cluttered living room! ... blogging instead of cleaning!)

2. I love my cat ... stinky though she may be ...

1. I am the daughter of God and that is the greatest thing about me!


mintifresh said...

I love it! I just learned so much more about it in just a few seconds! I think I might buy you some diapers to have on hand just in case someone tickles you or you get pulled over or in case there's a mouse in your bed!

Life with Laralynn said...

That is so cool! You are quite amazing. I love your blog!

Melissa said...

Very cool blog. I loved learning all those things about you. You forgot to write about your great sense of humor, amazing gift for giving, and your wonderful personality that draws others to you.

The Whittacres said...

You were so funny. I wanted to pee my pants too! I love ya Sis!

Diane said...

Whew. That bladder could be a problem. Amazing things listed. I had no idea my good friend was so diversified. I think you should act at Desert Star.