Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have been tagged ....

I am: Jana, an emotional wreck!
I think: Dan Rascon on 2 News is cute!
I know: Lots of stuff ...Just don't give me a pop quiz!
I want: A date with George Clooney, a labodomy, to be a contestant on Deal Or No Deal! (not necessarily in that order)
I dislike: shopping carts left in parking places and couples who fight in public!!
I miss: Being a kid, my brother who lives in heaven, my grandma and grandpa who live in heaven too! And my niece who's on a mission!
I fear: heights which is the sole reason that I think they should put nitris oxide in the oxygen masks on a plane ...cause if your going down, you may as well go down happy and high five God when you get there!
I feel: Irritated with life ...Ahhhh, I'm losing control!
I hear: the voices in my head!!! I wish they'd shut up or at least say something valuable!
I smell: The cat box ...it's not very pleasant I might add!
I crave: peanut butter chocolate chip cookies ...fish and chips from Red Robin and Snicker doodles!
I cry: I am a bawling sack of crap lately ..snif snif!
I usually: talk to myself (don't tell my therapist)
I search: for pennies on the ground because "when you find a penny on the ground, an angels love is close around it's someone whom you love that's gone and is thinking of your own heartsong, and missing you and loving you where e'r they are you know it's true."
I wonder: When He comes again will I be ready there, to look upon His loving face and join with Him in prayer ...(I stole the line from a primary song, it's true!)
I regret: some choices I have made but I learned lessons I'll never regret!
I love: to laugh (from the gut), my awesome family and great friends
I care: about the soldiers serving our country, about my family,about children who are hungry and lonely, about the future of our country, about animals.
I always: Pray in the car on the way to work ... I can't think of anyone better to talk to ...
I worry: continually ... I am the worry diva of all time!
I am not: self centered!
I remember: Dreaming of being married to David Cassidy ... that never worked out ...
I believe: That I am loved by a divine power that I will never fully understand
I dance: when ever the song in my head makes its way to my feet!
I sing: all the time... every where ...in my car ...in the shower ... in the bathroom at work....everywhere!
I don't always: Eat the right foods! (I'm sure you are shocked)
I argue: With the voices in my head!
I write: and I write and I write ....because it fills me up!
I win: the prize for being perfectly delightful in every way!
I lose: All my senses whe I hear Josh Groban sing "You raise me up"!
I wish: I would wake up tomorrow thin enough to sit on the floor and stand up again without help!.
I listen: to life ...it's fascinating!
I don't understand: all things ...but I have faith that it'll all work out in the eternal wash!
I can usually be found: In the bathroom! (I pee alot)
I am scared: That I'll never be enough ... that I worry too much or not enough ...of spiders and furry rodents!!!!
I need: Therapy ... or a big wet juicy kiss from a hot single latter day saint male!
I forget: when I am stressed
I am happy: most of the time!
I tag: Whoever wants to do this or is looking for something to post.


mintifresh said...

I feel the same way about dan Rascon and David Cassity! He made the mullet (business in the front, party in the back) Look real good!!

Stephen T said...

Easy now. Dan is a Bishop.

Cindy Lou Who said...

I love your honesty and humor! You have such a sweet spirit! :)

Rose said...

Ha ha I especially loved "I need: Therapy ... or a big wet juicy kiss from a hot single latter day saint male!" Don't we all!?! I will try and get ahold of Ben for you. Idk if I can though! It might take some work but I will try!