Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Sister, My Friend ...

I was just reading my younger sister's blog ... she is facing a challenge and has been for some time ... she has some heart problems ...Last year she had surgery and things have been going well ... but, there has been a set back and the lower chamber of her heart is in trouble! It is dangerous and scary and she is heart broken ...(no pun intended).

Sweet Ruth, I wish I could trade hearts with you ... I'm too old to have children and I know you desire more ... I would do anything ...give anything if I could take the pain away . I am so sorry you have to hurt. Hang onto your faith... Please know that if you give the Lord all the strength you have, He will meet you where ever you are and give you His strength too! Believe that He can make this right and He will help you in your unbelief. His hand is in all things and I know He is with you. I can't answer the question when you say "why me?" but I know deep within my soul that Our Father Is with You ... He may not answer that question either ... I know each of His children, including myself has asked that question a million times ...

and more than once He has answered me, "you don't need to know the reason why ... you just need to trust that I know and I will carry you ... I do not require that you know all things ...only that you have Faith in all things, and trust Me!"

Ruth, this may not help now, or ease your aching heart, but know that I love you and I beleive that our Father will see you through this ...I have faith that He can and will heal what is broken in your heart both emotionally and physically, He heals One by One, I know if is His will He can heal you too, and if there is a greater design here ... I know He will get you through this. This song is for you ... I hope in brings you comfort:

Hillery Weeks:

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

I am at a loss for words. All I can say is Thank you! Hillary Weeks is my favorite LDS singer/song writer. I loved it! Don't worry, emotionally I am a mess. But I will get through this. (I think)