Sunday, September 21, 2008

Things I've Learned ...

I was looking at the cover of one of my videos, actually one of my favorite stories ... "Ever After" ... It's the story of Cinderella ...with attitude! I love a story with attitude ... a fair maiden in distress is eye rolling to me! I believe that strong independant women are wonderful things! But, as I sat there on my bed looking at the cover of that video, I was thinking of the famous last line of most fairy tales .. "And they lived happily ever after." I made a raspberry at the thought ... Is there such a thing as Happily Ever After? Happily ever after is not a place that you magically end up once you have married ... finished college .... overcome a challenge ... Happily ever after is a journey not a destination!

Happily ever after is what I used to think happened after you married your personal prince charming. Because I never got married I guess I never thought I would have a happily ever after ... well, because it is a journey...not a destination we create our own happily ever after.

Sometimes that journey is filled with joy and laughter ... sometimes it is heavy with sorrow and frustration ...and sometimes it is just plain boring !

When I am standing on the other side of the veil, I want it to be said that I not only lived ...but, that I had fun doing it! With every hill I've had to climb, every trial I have had to over come, every disappointment I've endured, every joy, every laugh every hope and every dream come true ...I am building my happily ever after.

So far in my journey I have experienced some wonderful things ... (see 100 things about me in previous blog)

I have learned a great deal as well ...

1. I've learned that if the grass looks greener on the other side ... someone spilled some paint!

2. I have learned that Dogs have owners ... cats have personal assistants ... I happen to be the personal assistant to one princess even as I blog!

3. I have learned that men are like parking spaces ... the good ones are taken and the rest are usually not worth the extra walk!

4. I have learned that God gives flowers to everyone ...not just the girlfriends or the brides .. (I did steal that line from Cherie Call)

5. I have learned that you can love an animal even if they stink ...

6. And clean carpets are not nearly as fun as red kool aide or a cat that has accidents!

7. I have learned that it doesn't matter what other people think as long as you know you've chosen the right.

8. Embarrassment does not last forver and is rarely remembered by anyone but you!

9. The answer to all things lie somewhere in the scriptures.

10. That if you have to pull off the freeway to pee ... it is far more important to do so than not ...

11. I have learned that nothing is as bad as it seems ...

12. I have learned that faith is the glue that keeps it all together

13. I have learned that there is humor in everything ...and if it isn't funny...keep looking and you'll laugh til ya pee!

14. I have learned that when the chips are down ... there is nothing as wonderful as having a family on your side!

15. I have learned that no matter what you are going through ... or how old you get ... there is nothing quite as soothing as the sound of your mother's voice.

16. I have learned that liking what you do is far more important than how much money that you make.

17. I have learned that the greatest place to spend some time is the temple!

18. I have learned that where ever you go, there you are ... you can't run away from yourself!

19. I have learned that whatever you think will manifest itself into truth!

20. I have learned that you teach people how to treat you.

21. I have learned that if I fully rely on God ... I will never be disappointed!

22. I have learned that if I take a few extra moments in the morning to make my lunch ....I can save myself 5.00 bucks!

23. I have learned that some weeds are beautiful ... sunflowers come to mind.

24. I have learned that McDonalds Hi C orange drink tasts as good now as it did when I was 4

25. I have learned that amazing things can happen if you believe!

26. I have learned tht if you're gonna dream ... DREAM BIG!

27. I have learned that music can bring hope and fill my heart with joy and if life really bites I just need to find some tunes!

28. A testimony of the gospel can give you power that I could never describe or explain!

29. And keeping Christ your focus will keep your life centered!

30. I have learned that it is not required that I know all things ... I must just have faith in all things

31. I have learned that gratutude is everything! If I focus on my gratefuls, I find joy in how much I am truely blessed.

32. I have learned that the most beautiful sound in the world is a child laughing!

33. And I have learned that everyday gives me a new opportunity to learn something new .. so I know I will never stop learning ...

and as I journey to my happily ever after, I want it to be said that it wasn't about the "ever after" what mattered most was the living!


Melissa said...

Once again, Jana, very inspiring. I love the one about the grass being greener on the other side. I agree someone must have spilt some paint. Thanks for the insights.

mintifresh said...

Hear! Hear! You are always so inspiring!

Katherine * Ailao * Spencer said...

Hey Lady,
I completely agree with the first two comments. I enjoy reading your blog.