Monday, September 29, 2008

You don't need an appointment to pray ...

I want to share my testimony of the power of the priesthood. I grew up in a home where there was no priesthood. We relied on the Bishop, his counselors, and when we had them, faithful home teachers. That always required a phone call and an appointment. If the blessing was needed immeadiatly someone from the ward could always be found ... but tracking them down was hard ...
My greatest dream as a child was to grow up and have the priesthood in my home so that I didn't have to make an appointment for a blessing I wouldn't have to track someone down when I needed them. Well, that never happened ...I still have to track someone down or make an appointment ...
When someone in my family is in trouble, the first thing I say is, “have you had a blessing” they always give me that dumfounded , dah, I haven’t thought of that look.
I get so stinkin irritated with that! The priesthood is a valuable and powerful gift ! The hand of God working through his servants here on earth! Why isn’t it the first thing everybody thinks of? The priesthood and it’s power can heal the sick, raise the dead … yes, raise the dead ! It is the very same power Christ used while ministering here on the earth! He preformend miracles ... miracles can happen now too ... with the priesthood power! … I think of the story in the scriptures of the man who brought his afflicted son to Christ and asked Christ to Heal him. And Christ asked …”Do you believe?” The man said, “ I do believe, help me in my unbelief.”
I believe !! And my faith is so strong but still, when I need the priesthood power in my life I get so frustrated because much like my childhood, I have to rely on my Bishopric or home teacher. And because of that … I need an appointment! I have had many a sleepless nights knowing that there are people I could call, but also knowing that they have wives and families and jobs and lives that would I wouldn’t want to impose on. I have some family members that I could ask … but there is the appointment thing again, where I have no doubt my family or friends or Bishop or Home teacher would be there if I needed them ... but when do I determine when it's OK to bug them??? IT BITES...BIG TIME!

Well, all is not lost, dear readers ...
I can pray ... He always listens ... He always cares and He always loves me ... at 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon and at 3:00 in the morning when I can't sleep because all that is wrong with my life has surfaced and I am hysterical and out of control! His spirit comforts my aching heart or my aching head and He never requires an appointment. There are plenty of occasions when I need more than that ... and I have to make an appointment. It's my poor Bishop that gets the brunt end of that because I don't want to open my heart with all of my woes to just anyone ... that's another draw back thanks, Bishop for always having an available appontment. And I promise to never call at 3:00 in the morning unless absolutely necessary!


Melissa said...

Jana, the bishop is available whevener you need him. Remember that! :)

Cindy Lou Who said...

It might not be the same, but when you are hysterical at 3:00 in the morning, you can call me and maybe I can help you until you feel comfortable enough to call a priesthood holder. Heavenly Father is able to come through sisterhood as well... where there is love there is God!