Friday, October 16, 2009

Seriously losing it....

Dear Diary ...

It is October 16, 2009 ... Up until now in my life I have deemed myself a reasonably intelligent, rather normal all American Mormon girl! (except for the fact that I am 46 years old and single, which is not really the norm for a Mormon girl ... but that's a subject for another blog).

Anyway, I awoke this morning at my usual 5:00 am and dressed for work ... puttered about the house, played with the cat, and left for work! I stopped at the BK lounge (Burger King) for a drive through breakfast ... spoke with the woman at the car dealership (in person ...I point this out because it is relevant to the point of the story). I then move on to work, I am an hour late because of the discussion with the car dealership! I pull into a parking place at work, get out of my car and realize that I truly don't know what the yellow lines are for on a parking lot! I get in the car and re park, proving to myself that I can indeed, be taught! I then exit my vehicular transportation module and walk to wards the building where I say hello to three fellow employees as I am walking in the building (also significant to the point of the story) Those three employees work on the second floor, so, when I pushed the elevator button (I work on the 5th floor) they went for the stairs. Just as I about to enter the elevator, I look down and realize I have my dress on inside out!!!!! I have spoken to the car dealership gal ... three people from the parking lot ... the girl at Burger King (that was in the drive through, so perhaps it doesn't count) ... and then walking into the building of work before I realize that I have dressed myself as though I were a toddler! I'm amazed that my shoes matched! (there was a time when I went to work with two different styles shoes on!) I have no socks on so therefore saved myself from more possible humiliation! I am ever grateful for the ladies room near the elevators so I could correct my problem.

OK... I am seriously losing it, folks! I don't know which end is up half of the time and the other half of the time I just don't know what the heck is going on! More seriously though, I am literally fascinated with the fact that I can feed myself! Let alone function as "normal" in society ... sad but true!
Shall I blame my creative ... albeit senile dressing habits on my:
A) Old Age??? (I can't ...I am not old enough)
B) The fact that I spent all of Sunday in the emergency room and no one knows what's wrong with me???
C) Stress??? Anxiety???
D.) all of the above !
E.) some of the above!
F.) None of the above!

Pray for me folks! If for no other reason than to hope I step into the public eye wearing clothes ... next time I shudder to think what my state could be!!!????


Cindy Lou Who said...

Oh are too funny!!! Bless your heart! I hope they find out what caused Sunday's episode...but hey, you awoke to a George Clooney look-alike...nothing wrong with that! :)

Melissa said...

Don't feel bad about wearing your dress inside out....just start a new trend! Before you know it, everyone will be doing it!

On a side note, are you okay? Why were you in the ER? Hope everything is getting back to normal! (as normal as possible, anyway....HA)!

mintifresh said...

I have very nearly left the house with no shoes on about 15 times. There are more important things to worry about than being dressed properly!
I asked ElRey the other day , as I was leaving for Maverick to get a large cup of 'Happy', if the people would would notice if I wasn't wearing a bra....clothes are sooo overrated! Especially ones put on properly! (((HUGS)))

Mortensen's said...

I was directed to this blog by your sister, Ruth, after I posted on facebook that I had given a talk in Sacrament meeting today with my shirt on inside out :) O another occasion, I also barely escaped leaving the house in my fluffy slppers when my 5-year-old said "Mommy, you're still wearing your sleeping shoes!" I think we're all entitled to a few off-record inside-out days.

Karalee said...

you made me laugh...So it was all worth it. I hope the doctor's find out what's wrong soon...Stress and Anxiety have similiar symptoms to so many things it's hard to tell. You will be in my prayers. Take care..