Monday, October 5, 2009

You Know You're Getting Old When ...

( Elder Ringwood of the Quorum of The Seventy)

You Know You're Getting Old When ...
~A general authority speaks at conference that grew up in your same peer group ... no really, Elder Ringwood who spoke in the second session of conference on Sunday afternoon was in the ward I grew up in. Granted, he is a few years older than me, I am smack in the middle of two of his sisters in age. His wife was a year ahead of me in high school. He may be old ... but I am not old ... that extra few years may be the significant difference ... right??...General Authorities are old ... aren't they? But at one time I thought Bishops and stake presidents were supposed to be old ... and in my current situation neither my Bishop nor my Stake President are old. That either says they don't need to be old or definately confirms the fact that I am. Are you following me?

~ You remember going to primary on Wednesday afternoons instead of just on Sunday.

~ You refer to the people who pushed your dead car off the road as those "nice young people"!

~ When you realize the voice on the bladder control drug commercials is speaking to you!

~When the radio DJ plays a song from your Senior year in high school and refers to it as an oldie but a goodie!

~When your neighbors 2 year old refers to you as grandma!

O well ... it was bound to happen! See ya at the senior center!


Karalee said...

I love it!!! I get the pink walker... I'll race you to play bingo...

The Whittacres said...


mintifresh said...

There you go, making me snort! What if you yell at the people driving too fast in your neighborhood or say things like "Crazy teenagers!"