Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year!

I need to blog more! I enjoy blogging yet allow days and days to pass before I create another post!
As I have contemplated the past year and all the goo that we waded through my mind rested on the blessings I have received; My awesome family! My dear friends! The gospel! I am grateful that my mother is doing well and her cancer is gone! I am blessed to have a job that I enjoy going to every day! I am excited for new possibilities! I am happy to be here and know that the Lord is at my side and walks beside me always! I am excited to welcome a new year and I pray for joy within it! I am leaving a list of 10 thoughts to begin the new year:

1. Well-behaved women rarely make history. So, don't feel the need to behave yourself!

2. Life is not one big to-do list. (amen!)

3. You do not have to clean like your mother. (so, don't try)

4. Even a small pebble makes ripples.

5. Keep your promises to yourself and others.

6. Always put people before things.

7. Answer the phone everyday like it's your birthday.

8. Never let negative people bring you down.

9. Attitude can make all the difference in the world.

10. There's a giggle in every minute, if you find the joy within it!


Cindy Lou Who said...

Jana, my dear bubbly friend,

I love your list, especially #7. I hope that 2010 brings peace to your soul and more joy to your your heart. I think 2009 has been a tough year on a lot of us and we will be happy to sweep it out the door and welcome 2010 and the possibilities it brings with it.

You are loved and valued my friend!!! Here is to the New Year!

Melissa said...

Loved this post! It's always refreshing to read your inspired words. Have a Happy New Year!

mintifresh said...

Happy New Year! Thank you for your inspiring words!

Diane said...

You are sooooo wise! Happy New Year.