Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More than Gratitude...

I haven't written consistantly...I apologize for that. As much as I want to say it's because I can't think of anything to say, the truth is I have always intended for this blog to be uplifting and inspirational and the truth is I have been fighting the "funk" for quite some time. I'm OK ...sometimes the trials you face are just about working through them while holding the had of your Father In Heaven... yes, I believe He holds my hand ...Psalm 63:8 "My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me." If He wasn't there to hold me up ... to lift me and to carry me, where would I be? I shudder at the thought.

I think we have all been counciled or desired to count our many blessings... Keep a gratitude journal...list your gratefuls ...and this is all good but, I was just reading a talk from November 2007 confrence by President Eyring. He mentions that every night, we might pray and ponder, asking the questions:

Did God send a message that was just for me?

Did I see His hand in my life or the lives of someone in my family?

I will do that, I will ponder thoes very questions daily, And then I will find a way to preserve that memory for the day that I, and those that I love, will need to remember how much God loves us and how much we need Him.

It's more than just counting your blessings's about recognizing who blessed us with such abundance and recognizing His hand in our lives every minute of every day. It is imparative that we find ways to recognize and remember God’s kindness. It will build our testimonies. You may not keep a journal. You may not share whatever record you keep with those you love and serve. But you and they will be blessed as you remember what the Lord has done. The line from the hymn “Count your many blessings; name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done."

I am incredibly grateful for His love for me...and His patience with my ever quirky nature.

Today I am grateful for my job ...
and my family ...
and good clean comedians that make me laugh from my heart (there is this Christian comedian on tv that brings the giggles right from my toes!)

Today God touched my life with music ...I found peace in the lyrics of a song and was blessed by it.
And today I recognized how blessed my cousin Ranae has been. Her little girl was so critically ill and is getting more feeding tube! yea for Talon! And thanks to God for allowing her to stay with us, AND GIVING HER PARENTS THE STRENGTH THEY NEEDED TO GET THROUGH THIS WILD RIDE :o)


mintifresh said...

I'm sorry you've been in a funk! I know how you feel! It must be going around :)
You always inspire me! Always!

Melissa said...

That picture of Christ and the child is my MOST FAVORITE ONE! I have it in my living room. I agree with "mintifresh" are always inspiring! Hang in there and keep holding on.

Oh, and another good, clean comedian is Brian Regan (I think that's how you spell his last name). Hilarious! You should check him out.

Karalee said...

Jana...I love what you wrote. It's true that we can't just be grateful but that we need to recognize that Heavenly Father is the one sending those blessings and inspiring us to be all that he wants and needs us to be. Thanks for writing again. Karalee