Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Woodland

My beautiful niece was married on Thursday! It was absolutely beautiful! As I sat there in the the temple watching as she was sealed to her chosen eternal companion so many emotions were running through my heart and mind!

What troubled me was in the midst of all the wonder there were questions dancing around in my mind like moth's in the light at night!

1. How did this precious little girl grow up so fast?
2. When did I get old?
3. And lastly, how in the name of all that is holy did my own niece beat me to the alter? (just askin)

Mr. And Mrs. Zac Soqui

Also ...Saturday my cousin's daughter got married ... another beautiful bride making eternal promises with a chosen eternal companion ...

and I sat looking at this beautiful bride in her lovely form fitting wedding dress not unlike my nieces ... well, see ..:

my niece and her mom

anyway ... imagine me in a wedding gown such as this ... I would look like a marshmellow in satin casing! I would not look like a bride ... more like dessert!

so, it's just as well that I never needed a funky "skinny girl" dress ...

and all is well in Zion


Melissa said...

You're so cute, Jana!

Diane said...

Beautiful family Jana. Glad you are finally back.