Tuesday, May 25, 2010


When I go anywhere and see a line I might have to wait in, I get a little sick! When the traffic is too congested, when things don't happen on "jana" time ... I get irritated. So it's no wonder when I went to Relief Society on Sunday and we had a lesson based on Elder Uctdorf's conference talk, "Continue In Patience" I had to hang my head in shame ...LOL!

"Patience—the ability to put our desires on hold for a time—is a precious and rare virtue. We want what we want, and we want it now. Therefore, the very idea of patience may seem unpleasant and, at times, bitter. Nevertheless, without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace." Elder Uchtdorf

Then Elder Uchtdorf went on to say,
"Impatience, on the other hand, is a symptom of selfishness. It is a trait of the self-absorbed. It arises from the all-too-prevalent condition called “center of the universe” syndrome, which leads people to believe that the world revolves around them and that all others are just supporting cast in the grand theater of mortality in which only they have the starring role."

What???!!! I am not the center of the universe? hum ...who knew?? Huh ... no wonder I'm such a mess, I am simply too impatient! The scriptures tell many stories of those who waited ... the Jews wondering in the wilderness for 40 years, Jacob waiting for 7 years for Rachel (7 years ...??? Well Jacob I'll see those 7 years and raise you 10 more, dude I'm still waiting for my one and only).

I have really thought about things since Sunday ...

though I lack in patience in some things ... I endure quite well in others, so I am not a totally lost cause! Elder Uctdorf reminded me in this talk how important it is for me to learn how to chill! He reminded me of simple truths, for example, Patience is a godly attribute that can heal souls, unlock treasures of knowledge and understanding, and transform ordinary men and women into saints and angels. Patience is truly a fruit of the Spirit. That is totally awesome!

Patience means accepting that which cannot be changed and facing it with courage, grace, and faith.

And so the next time I am forced to wait in a line ... or get interrupted or get stuck in traffic ... I will think of it as a potential faith promoting experience!
Will I really do that??? maybe not, but I will definitely think twice before saying something totally inappropriate!


mintifresh said...

I just read that talk, too, it was great but I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking to me....;)

Melissa said...

So let me get this straight.....I'm supposed to be more patient? (ha) Hmmmm, I'm not very good at that. But I LOVED your entry and I'll definitely take it all into consideration. :)

mintifresh said...

I got something for you at my blog! :D