Saturday, July 3, 2010

Floaties In My Head

Or Random thoughts:

I have a few problems with money:

First, a sticker fetish, it's true! I will buy them, and buy them and buy them until I have a collection that would make a scrap booker on steroids look anemic!

Is there a 12 step program for stickers?

Second, coupons are a good thing, aren't they? Except that I buy crap I don't need with money better spent elsewhere all because I got it for 50% off...or 40% off or whatever! Why can't I get a coupon for 50% off my heat bill! Now that would be something special!

Third, sales ... I usually get a serious buzz just by reading the word "clearance" ... seriously, I just need to see those bright red stickers at Walmart and I am a goner ....yesterday I bought a package of T pins for cryin' out loud! What in the name of creativity am I going to do with a package of T pins?
I also bought two journals only because they were 80% off! What is wrong with me people!!!!????

Oh well, this is my life ... the good stuff must be on back order ... until then I will man the sales!


Melissa said...

So funny! I love a good clearance sale as well and I have my addictions too. So you're normal....or we're both crazy! Either way, it's all good, right?

Karalee said...

I concure with all these. You always make me laugh.

mintifresh said...

I love random thoughts! hehehe

Kayleen said...

Who says that is a problem? They lie!!!