Sunday, August 15, 2010

Let Go and Let God...

Let go and let God do what? Let God worry about my worries!? Naw, I couldn't do that. Can I trust that He will worry about whatever my worry of the day is! Can He worry as much as I can, giving the worry the proper amount of anxiety and diarrhea? I know He has tons of other people that he has to worry about too, so I figure He can't possibly give my "worry" the amount of attention that it needs!

So, I continue to worry.

"let it go"??? NO!! THIS HEART ACHE IS MINE!!!

If it was something I SHOULD worry about, I have to worry about it, right?

I mean, I need to worry about my metric at work, will I meet it?? Am I going to get laid off when they out source??? Money ... life ... family ... my cat ... why??? No really, there are a lot of whys I won't get into, but I am constantly worrying the why about something or other.

Matthew 11:28 says
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Heavy laden with worry ... I will give you rest ...

I could use some rest ... I need to trust my Father In Heaven knows what's best for me ... I need to trust that His love is real and I need to believe Him when He says, "I will give you rest" ...

I have witnessed miracles in the lives of people who trust in the Lord and allow Him the Freedom to move through their lives and work those miracles.

When I feel the burdens of life I know that trying to "go it alone" is pointless ... The only way to get through the crap is to give it to God ... I know giving God crap sounds terrible, but He asked if He could have it! I wrote a poem a while back, for my mom, when she was going through her cancer treatments. It seems very relevant for this post so I am posting it again.

Bring It To Him
written by: Janalea Jeppson 9/2009

He hears you,
He listens
He has only one request;
Bring it right to Him.
He speaks to you with whispers in the stillness...

Every time the anger roars in your heart,
bring it to Him.

Every time you feel like nobody hears you,
bring it to Him.

When you think life isn't fair,
bring it to Him.

When you hurt in your heart, in your soul
or in your physical self,

bring the pain to Him.

And when you can't think at all
because the “noise” of this day
was just too much,
bring it to His feet,

and He will make an altar from your suffering.
Have hope in Christ. Reach for Him.
He will dance in the puddles of life’s storms with you!
He is the Hope. He is the way.
He is the truth, He is the light.
He gives you life … He’ll bring you hope …
Trust In Him, trust Him with all your faith.
And ….
When the wind whistles, be still and listen,
For it is Him, your Savior, singing to your weary soul.


Karalee said...

Beautiful poem Jana

The Whittacres said...

"For every worry under the sun there is a remedy or there is none", if there is hurry and find if there's not never mind it...
- LeGrand Richards

I may not have it word for word and I am pretty sure it was LeGrand Richards but again...guessing...but nonetheless I love the quote and thought you would too...I am constantly reminding myself of it because I tend to worry myself over things I have no control over...
I love ya Sis and I always love readying your poetry!