Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's all just good hygiene ...

I have often wondered about my own sanity ... but then there's my cat  ... perhaps insanity is environmental, maybe I have mold spores seeping through the walls of my condo, slowly, but surely eating away the "normal" from our brains. Then again, maybe "normal" is a relative term. Perhaps I just need a therapist and she needs a kitty whisperer this point, it's hard to say...

I have told friends and family about my kitty and her bizarre  behavior ... she plays fetch and catch and she drinks out out of the toilet ...(all I'm gonna say is it's a good thing I flush!)

I woke up in the middle of the night several weeks ago to go to the bathroom. When I sat down on the throne, I noticed that the toilet paper roll was missing .   Hmmm, interesting ... there's nobody here but me and the cat. I pondered where the missing toilet paper might be. No, it had not been unrolled from the holder, the entire roll was missing, not just the paper, the little cardboard center as well. I pondered only for a moment as it was 3:00 am and how much can one ponder when one is only semi conscious? I simply replaced the missing roll and went back to bed.  I woke up with the alarm a few hours later and prepared to take a shower. Upon entering the bathroom, the first thing I noticed was my toilet paper was missing. What or should I say who could possibly be responsible for the missing potty paper? Do I have a ghost with a TP fetish? I was truly freaked out at this particular time as I could not come up with a reasonable explanation. However, I needed to be somewhere so I replaced the roll and continued my morning ritual. Part of the ritual is feeding the cat and cleaning her litter box of the lumps and clumps. The moment I picked up the pooper scooper, I found one missing roll sitting neatly by the litter box. ... hummm... a cat who needs a roll of TP...I would like to video tape her using it ... I then proceeded to scoop ... lo and behold, buried deep in the trenches of kitty pee and poo poo was the mostly gone TP role. Does she think her litter box is a toilet or a treasure box for burying treasure??? ... she wouldn't say when I inquired. Go figure.
My story however does not end there.  I woke up this morning and found the package of stayfree pads were knocked all over the floor ... I thought nothing of it, just picked them up and moved into my morning ritual. When I got to the part of the scooping of the pooping, I found a lone pad, opened with part of the paper backing removed that reveals the sticky part, it was buried in her kitty litter!
She was in rare sorts last night...hissing, biting and growling .... I thought she was just bored ...However, I realized that I not only have a cat that plays fetch and catch and drinks out out of the toilet ... I have one that uses toilet paper and experiences PMS as well!!!!! Interesting, very interesting ...what else can I say?

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

That is one of the best laughs I have had in a long time...Silly kitty...