Friday, January 14, 2011

The revival of a domestic goddess ...

OK, back in the day when I was young and full of dreams of being a wife and mother I could actually cook ... it is true, believe it or not...
Anyway, as the years progressed and I became accustom to my singledom (is that a word?) I learned to order out and drive through and a home cooked meal was something I could reheat in the microwave ... I thought that somewhere in time my domestic self died...however, I have recently discovered my domestic alter ego was merely rendered unconscious and shoved in a closet in the darkest places of my mind ...
Due to lack of budget and a growing need for welfare, I have revived my sleeping domestic beauty and I have made sugar cookies for a grieving friend! I have crock potted meals, grilled Monte Kristo sandwiches and made egg salad at 2:30 am ... I KNOW, I am as shocked as you are!!!
However, tonight I thought I was prepared enough to take creative liberty's with instant potatoes! WRONG! I was going to make potatoes with cheese that would blend nicely with the broccoli and pork dish that I had whipped up. They were instant potatoes ...sounds easy enough don't you think? Instead of plain water to mix the flaky little gems I thought I would add some pork drippings to ad flavor .... something went terribly wrong ... when the potatoes were "done" the were not very appetizing to look at ... a little brown in color and very crumbly, so I added more hot water ... well, the consistency looked more normal so I thought I would try some. I sprinkled with grated cheese and took a huge bite! ARGGGGG! It tasted like a greasy burnt hot dog!!! defeated ... I had a potato-less meal. It's OK, I did not need the extra carbs anyway! And perhaps the poor domestic diva that was recently released from her captivity just needs some extra training ... instant potatoes 101 comes to mind.


The Whittacres said...

LOL! Too isn't you it's the instant time just use the real thing and they'll turn out just fine...LOL

mintifresh said...

Who knew you'd could ruin instant potatoes...hehehe