Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Little Obsessive Is An Understatement ...

OK... I have confessed about my sticker obsession and I thought I had aired my obsessive laundry sufficiently! I was wrong ... In my attempt to kill the dust bunnies on steroids in my home and prevent permanent infestations I have discovered even more paper fetishes ... JOURNALS AND NOTEBOOKS.
No, these journals of which are getting higher by count than I care to admit are unused and completely blank. So, I cant even justify my obsession with the argument that I am recording history. Really, all I can say is that I have spent money in the attempt to satisfy my addiction if you will, I don't know what else to say. There is no logic here, absolutely no good excuse, just excessive purchasing of plain writing material.  or something ....
    I have counted, thus far, at least 27 unused journals (YES, I SAID 27!!!)  ... some of them in their original purchased form ... (still in the shopping bag that the clerk placed them in) with receipts dating back to the early to mid 1980's. And if that is not enough ... there are at least 5 of them that I am currently writing in. Why so many? I have no stinkin idea! OK, and I have found 15 unused spiral notebooks ... why ? I am not sure. I have an unhealthy, almost bizarre need to buy the notebooks when they are on sale at Walmart for 10 cents apiece. I don't need them, and since I have become "budget challenged" I have not purchased any of these books ... I have purchased stickers though, so there is no self control being practiced here.

My name is Jana ... I am addicted to paper!


mintifresh said...

I have to practice self control every time I see a cute notebook!

Melissa said...

Aren't those addictions normal? I'm pretty sure they are.... :)

Stephen T said...

OK. You have aired the laundry, now do something with it. Maybe use the stickers to decorate the journals and sell them. What a concept!!!
Seriously, I can't laugh too hard, because we have to be related somewhere down the line. I have my own addictions, like scrapbook stuff, little fuzzy animals with a tag that reads TY... I could go on.

cindy said...

Oh Jana...and I have helped you with addiction by giving you a few of those...LOL!!! You can always give them away as gifts with your own personal poem for that particular person...just a thought!