Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nice thoughts give me strength

Trying to keep a positive attitude at this time in my life is a challenge at best. I went out to a flat tire yesterday and need a new one. (a tire that is not flat) Where is the money supposed to come from? I am constantly being reminded that I am not enough  ... life is hard sometimes.
I am grateful that my nephew was available to come and put my spare tire on my car ... I am grateful for my Heavenly Father  .... I am grateful for the sunshine, it improves my mood :o)
I found a quote that warmed my heart this morning:

"You have the power to change lives! You do it everyday just by being yourself! Your energy attitude and smile have more of an impact than you know. In fact, where ever you go you make people feel better just by being there, an that matters!"

So I will try and keep that thought in my head and my heart when I feel like life bites!

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

Yes, I agree you do make the world better just by being in it. Thinking good thoughts for you and HUGS!