Monday, September 1, 2008

How do you spell Farm??

I was going through an old journal and read a story from my past that was so humorous, I want to share ...
I was teaching the sunbeams in primary ....(my calling at the time) We had had a lovely lesson on farm animals ... I think it was called , "My Heavenly Father gave me farm Animals" ... at the end of the lesson I passed out crayons and paper and asked the children to color me a picture of their favorite farm animal. The children kept themselves busy with their creations ... asking for help occasionally with things like "teacho ...can you draw and eye ball for my cow? or "teacho ... what does a horsey tail look like?"
There were occasional outbursts of peer rivalry ... like "teaho! Brenton is drawing a chicken!!! I want to have the only chicken!" Or "Teacho ... I think cows should be orange and Lisa has the orange color and she won't share!"
Nothing to earth shattering ... and then the question was asked:

Brenton: "Teacho ... How do you spell farm??"
Lisa: " Oh, Brenton you are so dumb ...everyone can spell farm but you!" (laugh laugh)
Brenton: " Well then tell me how!" (practically crying in frustration)
Lisa: "E-I-E-I-O"

Sweet Lisa ... she'd be about 24 years old now ... I hope she knows how to spell farm!


Diane said...

That was adorable. I love journals, they expand the memory. Loved your talk Sunday. It was a great message.

The Whittacres said...

Kids say the darndest things! That was flat out hilarious.

mintifresh said...

Isn't that how its spelled?!?!