Monday, October 6, 2008

Change ...

Change ... A talk by President Monson

I was particularly moved this conference weekend by the talk by President Monson concerning change . Change is hard for me at times ... but it is constant. President Monson stated:

"Rather than dwelling on the past we must make the most of today!"
but making the most of today requires me to change some attitude, my habits dreams ...
Dr Phil once said on his show that "if go on doing what you've always done, you'll go on getting what you've always got."
How do you make necessary changes in your own life?
Although life changes around us constantly ... it is changing my own paradigm that is sometimes harder than just accepting those things that change without my control.

The longer we live the greater our realization that it goes all to fast … so the key is to just begin the work, if you are moving in the right direction, the change will come.
I think as I harken to his council to find joy in the journey now, I have to set goals to change things about me that hold me back ... and so begins the work ...

President Monson also expressed some of the following thoughts:

Find joy in the journey …NOW

“You pile up enough tomorrows and you’ll find that you’ve collected a lot of empty yesterdays” … The music man

Tell people whom you love how you feel … don’t live to regret those unsaid words…

Never let a problem that needs to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.

Press on, set goals … take pictures.

Do human beings ever realize life while they live it??

True joy goes hand in hand with gratitude!

Let’s reflect gratitude for our lives and truly find joy in the journey ..

Let us invite the Savior into our lives and truly find room for Him AND invite Him into our hearts to dwell. For I truely believe that if our Savior is not part of our journey, there can be no joy!

I have quoted George Dyer in the past : “ There are three kinds of people in the world … those who make life happen …those who watch what happens…and those who wonder what happened????”

I want to live!!! I want to make it happen!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

As always, very inspiring. I also loved Pres. Monson's talk. Change is scary, but necessary for growth. I love reading your blog. By the way, did you get your car fixed? I hope so.