Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Am A Child Of God ...

I was blessed today to hear the primary children share their program today! There is nothing more precious than a child with a testimony! It is so pure ...and so real! One of the councilors of the bishopric stood up after the program and made a comment that deeply struck me .. . he commented on the simple, basic truths these kids know and said that the world would be an amazing place ...if each and every human being just understood and knew those basic truths

I blogged last time about all of the goings on that are going on ... our world is definitely in a state for sure and the key to enduring to the end is having that sweet, simple, pure testimony of a child. Do you understand who you are?? I believe that having that understanding that you are the child of a Father In Heaven who loves you is key to "getting through" the tough times we are faced with in this life. There is much good ... and by having an understanding of this life and our Father in Heaven and the plan of salvation , we can see the bigger picture. When I feel overwhelmed by the craziness of our world, when I just don't want to hear any more "hot air" flapping from the lips of politicians, when I can't stand it any more and I feel like we're doomed ...

I just need to take a moment and listen to my neighbor's little boy laugh! Or see the pictures of my brother's little girls playing in the leaves ... or my sister's kids piled on their dad in a big chair, laughing ... or having my friend's little boy look at me with pure innocence, reminding me he only has one set of feet! (long story) . Or today when I hear the pure sweet joy in their hearts as they shared what they learned in primary this year ... that let's me know that our Father In Heaven is here with us now ... though there is adversity in the shadows, our lives are illuminated by the sweet, purity of the children who fill our lives! May we always recognize their power and learn from the power their innocent faith can have on the world! Nothing, like I said before, is more precious than a child with a testimony.

Turn of my play list and be touched by the spirit as this video reminds you that we are all children of God:


Katherine * Ailao * Spencer said...

How True! I had a perfect primary class yeasterday. They were so good. I never remember that, but I am always happily suprised.

Diane said...

I was touched by that program. It was beautiful. So simple and such profound truths.

Melissa said...

DITTO to everything you just said. I just blogged about the program too on my blog. (and then I read yours--great minds think alike, you know!) Those kids were amazing!