Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I survived!!! Or I think I need a bib!!!

Well kids ... I started my new job without the blessing I desired ...I think the person I asked to give me the blessing forgot ;o) I am going to give him a break and assume so anyway ...

I think I am going to like it ...it's a little different than I expected it to be, but not in a bad way! I have a nice desk and a chair that likes my bum! So, it's all good! I even accomplished something today!

My first embarrassing moment ...(of many more to come, I'm sure) I went to Wendy's for lunch today and bought a small chili and a plain baked potato! After returning to work I decided that the chili would be mighty tasty on the potato so, because the Styrofoam container the potato came in was too small, I transferred the potato to the plastic lid that covered it and promptly poured the chili over the top! Well I was holding the dish up against my chest so I wouldn't spill ... and those of you who know me know that the gals on the chest are not small!! Well I began to enjoy my chili covered potato when suddenly I felt the gals getting quite warm and wet very suddenly! The chili was warm enough to melt that plastic lid!!! so in a matter of seconds I had a Wendy's small chili all over my pastel blue shirt!!! (So much for not spilling) Well, to make matters worse ...the chili was burning the boobies so I preceded to dump the potato on me too! Never the less I was picking potato and chili beans out of my cleavage for an hour after lunch ... I did go into the women's room and try to wash the chili stain off ... to no avail ... I ended up just looking like a slob with burned boobies the rest of the day! ....



mintifresh said...

I can hardly write i am laughing so hard!! SOrry about your boobies and blue shirt! Other than that, i am glad your first day went well-its always nice when the chair likes your bum!

Stephen T said...

Never tell a man to read something about your boobies!!!!! I don't think his wife would approve!!! Thank you.

The Whittacres said...

Congratulations on your new job. Sorry you made a "fool" of yourself but isn't that what makes life so grand. You can laugh at yourself and everyone else can laugh with you and makes me think back to all my own "blonde" moments. Try cleaning a carpet with drain cleaner and bleaching your carpets. Oh...was that me who did that? Never! You gave me a good laugh! I love ya Jana!

Melissa said...

I hate to say that I laughed OUT LOUD when I read your story....but I am sorry about the "incident." Since that happened on your first day, you've really already "broken the ice," as they say for your new job. Keep your chin up. It can only get better, right? :)