Saturday, November 8, 2008

It happens in 3's ...

I have three things to say ...

-I thought this might be fun to blog ...
-I have an odd sense of humor ...
-If I photographed my butt and posted it'd quit reading my blog ... (I'm not being irreverent ... I'm referring to my Sister in Law's blog!)

3 Things That bring my Joy!
-The Gospel
-My Family
- Good Friends

3 of my Fears
-I am horribly afraid of heights
-dying alone

3 Goals I have
-publish a book
-Lose the weight I need to loose
- make more money

3 of my current Obsessions
-Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
-my blog
- my cat

3 Surprising Facts about me
- My eternal companion is a ‘LIFE CHALLENGED” Nephite
- I am afraid to fly .. I do it … but it scares the crap out of me!
- My children are a doll and a cat (see photo above) sad is that!!

3 things I would change if I was Queen of world

- I would fill airplane's oxygen with nitre's oxide ... The plane may go down ...but I'd be happy and I could high five God when I got to heaven! (see above confession of my fear of heights and flying)
- I would make my friend Laralyn's chocolate desert the national snack!
- I would make George Clooney take me out to dinner whether he wants to or not!!!

What 3 things do you want to blog about ???

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's cute. I'll have to think about it. I love learning all these things about you.