Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Light Of His Love

I always like to write a poem for Christmas. I have been doing it for a long time (ten or more years I think) anyway, this year was hard ...I couldn't seem to find the inspiration to write the words I wanted. I love Christmas ... the Joy of the holiday and the message of hope. However, for some reason I have been overcome with a profound lonliness this year. Christmas always marks the passage of time for me ...another year gone by ... maybe it's because I can't save the world, and somewhere in my psychi I think I need to :o)I have seen a deep hate display itself in the media. I have never seen anything of that magnitude before. We still have troops fighting a war that seems endless ... our economy is drowning and there is a real fear about what happens when the "what If?" happens.
My reason for sharing this all with you isn't to whine ...I am happy, my life has been blessed abundantly! I have a family who loves me and hopes and dreams and a sense of humor about it all! I also have a profound and very deep testimony that my Father In Heaven is mindful of me and my righteous desires. I know, beyond the shadow of any doubt that I will be blessed. I share this now because I wanted you to understand where in my heart that my Christmas poem came from this year. Michael McClean wrote a song as part of the Forgotten Carols called, "Arise and Shine Forth", It is the song about standing for something. Well, I was listening to it the other day and I guess all that loneliness I have felt lately came to a head and I lost it! But with that emotional breakdown I really listened to the message of that song from wence came this poem:

The Light Of His Love
Written by Janalea Jeppson 12/2008

The world is filled
With sadness it seems
And hope is so lost
In the crushing of dreams.

There are those fighting wars
So fierce and so mean
And a hate for each other
That I've never seen

But Christmas is here
And I feel no magic
My heart’s full and heavy
Of all that’s so tragic.

I want to so badly
Move passed all the mess
And find the hope of a child
And the faith of the blessed

I’m heavy with sadness
That I can’t control
The heart ache and pain
That burdens my soul.

But I put up a tree
Adorn it with lights
And lay holy figures
To honor the night

When a King came to love
In a world filled with sin
Bringing hope to our hearts
As we follow Him.

As I look at the babe
‘Neath my tree where He lay
“I wish you could come here,”
I hear myself say.

To hold me and hug me
And comfort my pain
And put the magic in Christmas
I must feel again.

Somehow in the stillness
A whisper does say ,
“My daughter, I’m here
And I hear as you pray,”

“I know you can’t see me
But, I hold you so tight
In the arms of my love
Just seek ye my light.”

“I came for a reason,
To show you the way …
Like the star that shown bright
That first Christmas day.”

“And the light that I brought
Can now shine within you,
Just stand up for truth …
I’m counting on you!”

So, I solemnly promise
that I will stand true
for all that is righteous
Like He asked me too.


The Whittacres said...

You inspire me. I love to write poetry but I just don't do it quite so elegantly. If you ever want to do something for me. You could give me a copy of all your poems and put it in a book for me. Nothing formal just in a three ring binder. I find so much comfort in your writing. I will even pay you for it!

Cindy Lou Who said...

Oh Jana, you are so special and truely one of God's chosen daughters, to have the gift of words and a faith so strong.

I love and admire you and I am blessed to know you!

Melissa said...

Wow! Jana, there is no end to your talents. You are amazing! Thanks for your beautiful words.