Monday, January 19, 2009

"Be The Change You Wish To See In The World" Gandi

Barack Obama is sworn in tomorrow. Regardless of your political stance on the past election ... I hope you agree that you are witnessing a defining moment in American history! I am thrilled for the opportunity to stand as an American and support president Obama as my president. Whether he was your first choice or not, is irrelevant at this point. He is the president. We make a choice in our hearts about our role in this democratic process! I will be honest ...during campaigning I was worried ... He spoke of change constantly ... I was all for change ... but he never defined the change and I worried because everything costs, and what was the price of change??? I don't necessarily think the cost of change has to be scary or bad ... I just fear the unknown. We have a responsibility to be the change we wish to see in the world! I finally had an aha moment earlier today. I have power! I was really ticked off this morning when a favorite celebraty of mine, Tom Hanks, said Mormons were unamerican (he was speaking of the prop 8 issue) I seriously thought ... "what a dork!" . I decided that He is not CLEARLY THINKING OF WHAT BEING AN AMERICAN MEANS! I think we all need to make a pledge about how we will make a difference in this world. My pledge is to be the change I wish to see in the world! I will not sit back and allow some else to tell me how to think or who to be ... I will respect others for their stand on whatever issue we are faced with. Part of being a true American is understanding that we have the freedom to disagree out loud if necessary!

I love this country! Truly knowing that being a citizen of this country is a gift from God! I can and do have a voice! I am strong enough to stand for everything I believe and have such a strong testimony of. I also know in my heart THAT WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF A HEAVENLY FATHER WHO LOVES US ... ALL OF US ...!

My promise ... or pledge ... is to learn more tolerance and to make a conscious choice to not be offended ... but to also not fear to stand strong and use my voice to make a difference.

My challenge to each of you is to make a choice in life ... when you feel picked on or frustrated ... or when you feel the right to criticize ... ask yourself ... "What can I do to make a difference? The kind of difference that will make the best difference?" Don't be afraid to be an active part of what we cherish most in this country .... FREEDOM!!!


Unknown said...

it was a great day!!!!

Katherine * Ailao * Spencer said...

I would whole heartedly agree. Tom Hanks is a dork! I love this country and we all need to be free to voice our opinions. Let him think what he wants! Isn't it great. I was very impressed with the speach our new president made and hope he will be able to act on the things he said. I am actually more impressed with the fact he has crossed party and belief lines in order to get this country back on track. I think if he can do this we will all be better off and treat each other better.