Thursday, January 29, 2009


I was sitting in the foyer of my ward. I do that a lot … for a lot of reason's …
It was during sacrament meeting … the chapel was too hot. I wasn't the only one who thought so, several parents (mostly Dads) were out in the hall trying to appease uncomfortable, irritable and probably tired children.

A couple of the kids started playing in the breezeway. I don't know what is so fascinating about the breezeway, but it's almost like a magical little room that enter a kingdom only a child can understand. The kids were getting a little rambunctious and their dads seemed to be paying little or no attention to them. Those doors are heavy and I kept thinking of those tiny little fingers. So I kept a watch … just a habit of mine…if I can't find something to worry about, I'll fabricate something :o) …

As true to anything in life, too much of a good thing is never good … running in from out of the breezeway, a sweet little girl biffed it! She fell sprawled out and banged her head hard on the ground. It was instinct, I didn't even give her dad time to get to her, I grabbed her and cuddled her close to me and kissed her forehead. She was mine until she saw her dad. When I handed her to him I noticed a little boy , staring intently at me … "Who's Mommy are you?" he demanded.
"No one's" I smiled tousling his hair, "I don't have any kids."
"That's too bad," He said …"you're really good at it!"

Bless his little heart … I wanted to be good at it, I never thought I would get the chance … and realized very suddenly that I get the chance to be good at it quite often. So, thank you, God …for every chance you give me to unleash the mother in me :o)


The Whittacres said...

You really should write a book compiling all of these stories of yours. They are beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa said...

Wow! What a sweet experience. Thanks for sharing it. I hope you realize how great you are!

Diane said...

I grab a tissue every time I turn on the computer! Beautiful.

Stephen T said...

That little kid is smart. You are good, no you are GREAT at everything you do. I echo Diane-- I need a hankie most every time I read your blog.

Kayleen said...

You really are gifted with words and you are very good at being a mom thanks for all your input with my lovely 4.