Friday, February 20, 2009

15 Ways Live While You're Alive! ...

1. Don't be afraid to try something new! A great teacher and Prophet, even Gordon B Hinkley counciled us to Be Involved! We need to be a part of the life we're living! Regret is an emotion I wish I didn't know so well!

2. Be Cheerful! Grouches pull you down and step on your joy ... don't affiliate with grouches! And if you are one ....LIGHTEN UP!!!

3. Keep Learning! It keeps you interesting and keeps your mind sharp ... remember: "An Idle Mind Is The Devils Workshop!!" The devil can't teach a workshop in my mind!!!

4. Enjoy Simple Things! We tend to make things in life far more complicated than they need to be ... aren't we taught that "through small and simple things, great things shall come to pass" ... We also tend to try and find happiness in stuff ... if you're chasing happiness through material things're never going to catch it!

5. Laugh Often! The long, loud, from-the-gut laugh that makes you gasp for breath and/or wet your pants is the only way to go! Find friends that make you laugh ... remember, a true friend will make you laugh until you snort and pee, and love you anyway!

6. Tears Happen! - go ahead and cry ... it cleanses the soul! Then move on! My favorite line from Camelot: " I'm wounded!" Said Sir Launfal, " wounded, but not slain! So, I'll just lie and bleed awhile then rise and fight again!"

7. Surround Yourself With Love! Don't waste your time on crap ... life is too short and too precious for you to spend time with anything less than love! Enjoy your family! Romance your spouse and celebrate your friends! Never be afraid to open yourself up to new friendships ... God lives in wonderful relationships and I enjoy being in His company!

8. Cherish Good health! If you have it ... keep it! If you don't - get the help you need and improve it!

9. Be Kind! Everyone is fighting some kind of battle! Your kindness may be just what someone needs to make it through another day!

10. Be Humble! I observe life and find that pride is a dangerous thing ... when we are filled with pride, we are not open to the spirit. Walk with God throughout your life ... but when you're filled with yourself ... puffed up ... there is no room for Him!

11. Be Grateful! True happiness is found in rejoicing in the abundance that we have been given! God gives us gifts everyday! Joyous, wondrous things! Focus on those things and celebrate the happiness you find!

12. Don't Take Guilt Trips! Go to Disneyland ... Go a little crazy...Go on a road trip ... BUT DON"T TAKE A GUILT TRIP! Christ atoned for you! That was His precious gift! Open that gift every day ....moment by moment if necessary ... and rejoice in His tender mercy and grace!

13. Be Still ! God speaks to us in the stillness. Listen to what He has to say. He will lead you and guide you and comfort you through all that this life gives you. Through trials, tribluation, peace and joy abound ... listen ... when you learn what His voice sounds like it is the music that causes your soul to dance! ... DANCE!

14. Pray! - " If any of you lack wisdom ..." (James 1:5) ask for it ... You'll be amazed at what God wants to tell you if you only ask and then listen to what He has to say!

15. Be Honest And Be True! - If you are, there is never anything to worry about! There are no secrets! And you are open to receive everything you ever wanted!


Melissa said...

How is it that everytime I get on your blog, I am a student in the wonderful class of JANA? I loved this post. I'm going to forward it to my sister too. Thanks for your insights!

The Whittacres said...

I wish you would have posted this last night. LOL! About guilt trips. I had a friend call me last night and invite me over for a no money involved Bunco party she needed a couple more people and I thought wow that sounds like fun just a "girl's" night so I called Nathan and he was coming home early anyway so he could take the kids so I could get some homework done. Well, I hate my class it has been a rough week and a night out would have been welcomed. Well, Nathan said sure you can go but I felt guilty because 1. I really needed to do homework as I have a quiz today so I would have put everything on myself in one day that and Nathan had a rough week too. So I stayed home. Had I have read this last night I might have gone. LOL! I am sure it was for the best regardless. Particularly for my grade. Sigh...

mintifresh said...

Here! Here!