Thursday, March 5, 2009


OK... I've noticed with this whole facebook thing we are not blogging as often ... I am finding cool people on facebook ... but I mustn't forget my blog! So, I'm sorry I haven't posted for a week... please forgive ... I will be better!


I have been dealing with some stuff lately ... some personal frustrations and health issues and I was reading in my scripture journal last night and found some stuff I actually blogged about last month ... my favorite scripture, 2Nephi 31:20 and I read it ... I LOVE that scripture!!!

2 NEPHI 31:20 — Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

Well anyway, that scripture gives me a great deal of strength when all around me seems out of control or frustrating! I was reading all of the promises in that scripture and listening to my Taylor Swift, Fearless CD, and that song, "Love Story" was playing ( You know, the one about Romeo and Juliet) OK, So I started daydreaming know, thinking about Ben ...
(My eternal companion) and I stole some of Taylor's Lyric making them my own love story song about me and Ben ... It was actually quite fun! If you listen only to the music of Taylor's song but sing my words ... well then you know my love story with Ben!

OK...OK...I'm crazy but I had fun!

Ben And Jana’s Love Story Song
written by Jana Jeppson and her dear friend Taylor Swift

Our love began in the pre-existence.
I close my eyes and can almost see him
standing there in a swirl of heaven’s air.

See the earth, see the mission before us.
then he was born, the first to leave heaven.
we say farewell.

but he made sure I’d know …

That he’d be mine forever
and he would find me,
we didn’t understand dispensations of time
I was watching him leave heaven,
wishing I could leave with him.

And I said,

"You are my Benjamin and someday I will find you.
I'll be waiting until we meet again
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's our love story …an eternal promise!

So I sneak into my dreams to see him.
It’s the only place that I know I can find him.
I close my eyes; escape with him for a little while.
'Cause he is my Benjamin, and I’m his forever,
separated by dispensations of time … he is every dream to me
though I’m waking up, 'Please, don't go,

And I said,

"You are my Benjamin and someday I will find you.
I'll be waiting until we meet again
you'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
it's our love story …an eternal promise.”

Benjamin save me; they're tryin' to tell me you’re not real.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
I hear you whisper, “Have faith, Princess!
It's our love story – an eternal promise!”


I get tired of waiting,
Wondering if Ben was ever really there.
My faith in him was fading then I met him in my dreams again.

And I said,

"Benjamin save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think-

"He reached through veil and promised me again …
he said, "You are mine, Janalea, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I am your prince, and you are my princess!
It's our love story – an eternal promise!

Oh, oh.

I am waiting here especially for you.”


Cindy Lou Who said...

loved it!!! You are so danged adorable! If Ben isn't there to greet you I'm gonna find him and kick his butt! Love ya!!!

mintifresh said...

You are so cute and creative!

The Whittacres said...

Shhh..don't tell anyone, but I secretly cried reading that...he WILL find you! NEVER stop believing...

Kayleen said...

I turned on my blog music to Taylors song and sang your lyrics to it while it played cuz I am not very good with tunes on my own. You know that. Anywho, your song made me cry. You are a princess and I know that your prince is waiting for you. Love you!!! Your so talented. You think I could have got a little bit of that, you didn't have to hog it all!