Monday, May 18, 2009

The Saga of The Neighborhood ducks ...

My friend Melissa blogged about the above neighborhood ducks the other day ... they hang out where ever they want in the neighborhood and amuse us all. I tease Melissa because her husband is the Bishop and when they hang out at her house I have said they were waiting for a temple recommend interview. Well in Melissa 's blog she shared that the female duck had been hit with a car. I was so sad. However, after inquiring on the net I have learned that these types of ducks, though monogamous in there relationships, will find another mate if one expires.

So, this morning while leaving for work I saw two ducks in the grass at my condo and was thrilled to see the female alive and well! OK ... here we have:

A. a male who wasted no time at all finding a new mate

B. He's hangin' with his mom, sister or sister in law

C. They are on the duck activities committee in the stake duck organization and they were planning the yearly duck retreat at the local swim hole

D. They are a completely different couple and there is still a lonely Mallard waddling about the neighborhood

I could go for A B or C ... D just makes me sad.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that the daddy duck will find a new mate (if he hasn't already, that is...). I was so sad too. I had just taken pictures of them the week before because I was going to blog about them and then one got killed. Weird, huh? I haven't seen any ducks the last several days, so I hope he's on the hunt....or enjoying new companionship! :)