Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My stake presidency came by to visit yesterday. they brought a message and a journal and challenged me to write down the moments when I recognize God's hand in my life. I have given that a great deal of thought, and ya know, God's hand is always in my life. I am continually mesmerized by His constancy in my life. I feel Him walking with me, I ask Him everyday in prayer to be with me ... I can't do this life without Him ... The adversary is constantly figuring out new ways to slither his slimy little self into my psyche ... and my Father In Heaven is there to help me recognize Satan's web of lies, and together, my Father and I cast him out.
He is in my car getting me safely to work ... or wherever I go. He is in my heart when all I want to do is cry because life is frustrating and difficult. He is in my joy when I recognize the beauty of the sun peering through the crevices of the Wasatch Mountains. He is in on my mind when I realize that the only thing that matters is the fact that I am His child. He is the melody and the harmony of the song I sing in my life that I call my own. He is the one who whispers peace and hope into my heart when life in this crazy world feels almost too big and too hard.
His greatest gift to me was the opportunity to come here and learn and then sending His Son to assure that I can come home again. That gift ... the atonment, is a gift that keeps on giving, and for that I am truely grateful.
In gratitude I praise Him for gently seeing me through everything in life! He walks with me. He loves me. I am not alone.
Click on the arrow and listen to my favorite song of all time!

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