Monday, June 8, 2009

When I think of you ...

I have had my brother and his family on my mind today ... I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that he is gone ... I wrote him a letter tonight ... I will share it with you ...

When I think of you, dear brother,I will see the faces of your children and know that they were everything to you. When you spoke of each of them there was a light in your eyes, pride in your voice and humilty in knowing God had blessed you with such a precious lot!

When I think of you, I will think of your sweet wife, who, in my opinion has the patience of a saint!
WhenI think of you, I will think of how hard you worked to fix your life when it broken and I will never forget when you took your family to the temple to be sealed for time and all eternity!

When I think of you, I will think of the many times you came to my rescue...too many to count ... I always knew you had my back! You held me up when nothing was fair and listened to me when you really didn't want to. I never doubted you, when you made a promise, you always came through.

When I think of you, I will think of the laughter! The way you changed the words to any given song.

The way I watched you make even a total stranger feel special. The way you teased the children and made them giggle! The way you flirted with every waitress along the Wasatch Front!

When I think of you, I may shed a tear...but that's only because I love you so very much and though eternity is only a heart beat away ... there's no cell service and I can't call you :o)

I will miss you, dear brother ... I will miss the phone call giving me 5 minutes notice ... who will make fun of my clutter ??? Who will make my New Years Eve sandwich???

I am grateful for God's tender mercy that brought you to my house to spend time with me before you left ... the mercy of knowing you talked to your Chris and your Brandon one last time. I will praise God in remembrance of everything you have been and the treasure you always will be.

All my love, Jana

1 comment:

mintifresh said...

Beautiful! I'm sure he loved it!