Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Same thing ... different day!

I blogged a similar blog to this last year and thought it would be amusing to do it again, compare lists, and see how much I have changed.


100. I have recently become addicted to Real Fruit Strawberry slush's at Sonic Drive In ... Happy hour from 2-4 half price!

99. I used to watch Leno ... now my choice is Conaan or Letterman .... Hummmm I think I will go to sleep a little earlier ...

98. I LOVE Froggies ...not real ones ... cute stuffed ones or jewelry ones ... Forever rely on God ...keeps me thinking!

97. I tried real frogs once ... thinking perhaps I'd end up with a handsome prince ... I just ended up with a toad that gave me warts! ... Oh, the Drama!

96. My favorite color is purple ... (any shade)

95. My favorite picture of Christ is an ink drawing by an artist named Traci Douglass

94. My Brother promised to fix my toilet ... He died to get out of it!! What a poop!

93. How Ironic ... toilet ...poop???? Actually my house smells like pee! I'm sure this is all TMI

92. I waited 48 hours to get hooked up to direct TV ... I cancelled the order

91. Blame it on the rain ... humm sounds like a song!

90. I really like JELLO!

89. And Marie Callenders lemon cream cheese pie

88. I hate plumbing issues!!! (my mind is still on #93)

87. I'm not easily star struck ... they just disappoint you in the long run.

86. I think that we think they are super human ... when really they think they are all that and a bag of chips!

85. I usually find that their chips are stale!

84. I do enjoy Harrison Ford's rugged good looks ... Mel Gibson's beautiful blue eyes ... And George Clooney has an adorable smile! And I still think if I was going to be serenaded by anyone it would be a toss up between Michael Buble', Josh Groban or Clay Aiken!

83. Yes I said Clay!

82. My nephew, Brandon joined the Military! I'm so proud!

81. My nephew, Chris came out of hiding after 23 years!
80. It wasn't his fault! But ooh am I glad to have his cute face back in my life! I LOVE HIS GUTS! Actually I love all of him!

79. My niece Brittani is coming home from her mission 10 days! (but who's counting??)

78. I have wonderful nieces and nephews, though I didn't blog them all ... I do not love them any less! .... OK...OKAndrew, Anthony,Sam, Hannah, Devin, Eric, Niki, Natali',Noah, Kate, Ana Murin, Zaccari, Lily, Audrey, Annie, Levi ... Ashley,and Corey (they live on the other side of the veil but that doesn't make them any less my niece and nephew!) ...and one in the oven! and grand nieces Sariah and Jordan and grand nephew, Chaim! (I hope I got everyone or I'm hosed!)

77. I have gained a renewed appreciation for the fragility of life!

76. I have learned that no matter what ... the Gospel is true! And God walks beside me everyday!

75. I learned that I am related to Benjamin Franklin thanks to my nephew, Chris's family history!

74. My cat Baby, died after a 20 year life! What an animal!

73. I have a new cat ... Maggie Mae ... She's part adorable/part Spartacus!

72. I love blogging ... it is becoming second to Facebook, though, and that ticks me off a bit!

71. Speaking of Facebook, I do not want to be addicted to Farm town!!!

70. I love hot, buttered popcorn! I may go to a movie just to buy some!

69. My cat plays fetch ... no, really, she does!

68. I have written poetry for decades!

67. Most of them are about my relationship with the Savior.

66. I have always wanted to be a song writer

65. I dreamt of being a talk show host when I was a kid

64. My favorite cartoon character is Winnie The Pooh

63. My favorite scripture is: 2 Nephi 31:20 “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.”I know through that scripture that if I am steadfast and endure ... He will give me a perfect hope!there's nothing better than perfect!

62. I also like "My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me." Psalms 63:8 it reminds me that God is always there to hold my hand. and/or hold me up.

61. If my life was ever made into a movie I would want Queen Latifah to play me ... Would that confuse people??

60. I told everyone in my 3rd grade class that Bill Cosby was my dad! Which would work if I was Queen Latifah!

59. I think if my life has a theme song it is Natasha Bedingfields "Unwritten".

58. I am grateful for my condo, but I wish I owned a house.

57. My favorite holiday is Christmas!

56. I talk to my car

55. her name is Lucy

54. If I ever buy a green car, I am going to name it Kermit ... I like Frogs!

53. I work at Molina Health care

52. I like my job!

51. I have a lot of great friends!

50. My sister in law, Mindi is hilarious!

49. I WILL NOT sign up for an online dating service!

48. I am addicted to diet coke!

47. I have 4 sisters and 3 sister in laws!

46. I have 5 brothers and 3 brother in laws!

45. Two of my brothers are angels

44. I have always wished I could play the piano.

43. I played the violin as a kid ... I gave it up in 7th grade

42. I am a writer ... not famous ... but a writer nonetheless!

41. I love lighthouses!
40. I have always wanted to run a marathon ... but I am

a. too fat

b. I have heart issues

c. I have asthma
40. If I had a million dollars I would be a spending fool! Then I would be broke!

39. They just treated us to a Ben and Jerry's ice cream cone here at work! YUMM!

38. I like breakfast burritos from Carls Jr

37. I believe in angels

36. I love hugs!

35. I like fried or baked chicken from Macey's deli

34. I can't keep a house plant alive to save my life ... or its life for that matter!

33. I cannot stand whining! Even when I do it! We all have our own moments of "waa!" My favorite saying as everyone knows is:"I'm wounded!" said Sir Launfal, "Wounded but not slain, so I'll just lie and bleed a while then rise and fight again!" It's OK to get mad, feel bad and whine and cry ...for a minute! Then get up, get moving and move on!!!

32. The above #33 was never meant to trivialize serious personal pain ... that is much different!

31. If you can't say something nice about someone else, don't sit by me. I don't understand the mentality of tearing people down.

30. My all time favorite calling in church has been a Relief Society teacher!

29. I have a strong testimony of the power of the priesthood and get very irritated when those who hold it don't take it seriously!

28.Everyone thinks crock shoes are comfortable...frankly, I don't!

27. I hated Glenn Beck ... now I love him ...go figure, I guess people change!

26. I love the stories in the scriptures when Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead!

25. I love to teach!

24. One of my favorite quotes is; " We are not creatures of our circumstance; we are creators of our circumstance!" Benjamin Disraeli

23. I believe we need each other ... Albert Schweitzer said, " At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by the spark of another person,"

22. Which reminds me of a poem by Carol Lynn Pearson, "The days we shared were generating days. Bright as when two fires combine. I leave wearing some of your light, and you leave wearing some of mine."

21. I also love a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt; "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

20. I would have become paparazzi but I don't understand the fascination with other peoples lives ... I don't care what Brittney looks like without makeup! Or who how many times Paris has been arrested or what Oprah gave to her audience last week!

19. I think Ellen DeGeneres is funny!

18. I will admit it, I am an American Idol junkie ...!!!

17. I don't like other reality shows.

16. I used to sell Stampin UP stamps and scrap booking supplies!

15. I hate selling things!

14. I love Autumn! It's my favorite season!

13. but, I think Halloween is a stupid Holiday!

12. My favorite dessert was this little decadent chocolate dish my friend, Laralyn made once ... it was a tiny piece of heaven on a plate!

11. I have a nephew in California and a nephew in Florida ... I have nephew's coast to coast!! :o)

10. I love to sing ... I don't sing with the ward choir anymore cuz my butt is too big for the chairs on the stand and when I sit in them it is not comfortable!

9. I imagine that was TMI ... but I'm a big girl, it's not a secret!

8. I am still perfectly delightful in every way!

7. I am not as funny as Mindi though, I'm at peace with that!

6. I worry that when the little kids play in the breezeway at church that someone is going to get crused fingers! I can't watch!

5. If I could build a house anywhere it would be a cottage in New England with a bay window in the living room.
4. I never had any kids ... I wanted some ... but I guess God had other plans for my life.

3. For example, I'm promised to a life challenged Nephite named Ben! If I had his PAF stats I could marry him, but making a baby would be quite another story!

2. You may laugh ... but it's true ... he may not be Ben ... but he's there!

1. Jesus is my BFF, first , foremost and forever!

remember: There's a giggle in every minute, if you find the joy within it!


The Whittacres said...

You crack me up! When we were IM'ing on facebook about your toilet I thought to myself I bet Bryan was planning on fixing that for her. Call ElRey he knows how to do that stuff. I am pretty sure he has done on his...yeah...I know he has...and we are sooo alike in so many ways...I guess that makes us sisters. LOL! And I don't know between you and Mindi I can't decide who is funnier. All I can say is my life would be dull without both of you in it!

mintifresh said...

Thanks for the shout outs! You are going to make my head big and it's already naturally freakishly large! ;) We have A LOT in common, girl! I love your optimism and joy! You do really help hand out "giggles every minute!" :)

The Whittacres said...

by the way you have three brother in laws. LOL! ;-D but I think you got all the nieces and nephews...

Melissa said...

Sorry I haven't made a comment about this one.....I started reading it the other day, but got interrupted and never got back to it.....shame on me! But as always, you're writing is hilarious! And enlightening....and inspiring all in one! You're awesome!