Monday, August 24, 2009

39.95 plus shipping and handling!

This last weekend I celebrated my birthday! I love birthday's! I had a good one! Birthdays always make me reflect. I either get really sappy with nostalgia or very philosophical! This year It's philosophical! I tend to evaluate my existence when I am face with adversity, challenge or tragedy and this year I have been dealing with a little of everything ...

Up until recently I felt like I was getting older ... you know OLDER especially when my grand niece, Sariah, points out that I have too munch granny in my hair, or suggests that I might have gone to high school with Noah's wife (see earlier post)! But after my brother's hasty departure from this life I have realized that old is a state of mind and I've got a lot of living to do!

My personal philosophy in life is that in order to really live you must be forgiving! Hanging onto grudges, anger and frustration can hold a person stagnet in life. It takes courage to let go of things such as that, but it's worth the effort. Forgiveness releases you and the other person. It fives you both a new beginning. So, don't be mad! BE GLAD!

Don't live in regret. I think we can all choose stuff from our past that we could have a do-over on. There have been times I have wished that I could go back to my younger self and smack her ... or at least show her that she's not going to like the end of the road making that certain choice! But, what good would that do me. What is, is! Accept past mistakes as lessons for the future! Praise God for the atonment of His son and look to the future with hope and anticipation! I know I have blogged about this over and over again, but I have such a stong testimony of the power that His atonement holds for each of us personally that I guess I don't think I could ever say enough about encouraging others to open their hearts to the possibility that being perfect was never what was expected of us ... if it was, His gift would have been pointless! (think about it)

I found a quote on the internet ... I loved it "There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few that will catch your heart. Pursue those." unknown

Do something new ... maybe you'll find a hidden talent! Allow yourself the chance to experience newness! Open your mind to the possibilities of your creativity.

Write a poem

learn to paint/draw

play an instrument

write a song

run a marathon

try out for American idol just to see if you can get some camera time!

Make friends with lonely person in a rest home, you'll never regret that!

So ... in essence

learn to really live ... enjoy to the end!

LISTEN TO YOUR HEART , our world is loud and very chaotic. Take the time to pause, look around and bask in the wonder!

Remember, with every birthday you celebrate come wisdom gained from experience ... true wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you!

Life is filled with crap! And it takes full awareness, a great attitude and a heart filled with gratitude to avoid it!

Happy Birthday to me! I am not over 40 ...I'm 39.95 plus shipping and handling!


mintifresh said...

That's awesome! I love the 'age'! hahaha I was just thinking about that-the need to quiet my mind and space to reflect and allow positivity and light in my soul each day. It has really helped and it makes me feel lighter! Plus, I know no matter how imperfect or sad I may be at times I know there is always Macey's chicken!! Am I right or am I right?!?! ;)

Jana said...

Mindi, you are right! But never...never forget the diet coke!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday, Jana! I hope you got my message on Saturday and I still need to bring you the gift I have sitting on my counter.....What's the grace perios? 6 months or so? :) As always, I loved your insights on your blog today....I'm like a broken record, but thanks for them!

Melissa said...

That's "grace period." Sorry, I hate type-o's!!

Karalee said...

I loved your blog today. I can relate to the granny hair. I guess since I won't get to be a granny in this life I got the hair instead? LOL..

Today I have been struggling with the fact that I am not perfect and how I really want to be. It was a good reminder that Jesus Christ's sacrifice would have been for nothing if I was. Thanks for the reminder.