Monday, August 31, 2009

Friends Forever!

Here's to good friends! For listening, laughing, loving, crying, hoping, praying, and dancing in the joy of life, when you need them most and when you think you don't! I would name names, but I may inadvertently miss someone and I would not want to hurt feelings! So my friends, This blog's for you and the poem ... though written a while ago fits and I want to remind you all how much you mean to me!

She Is My Friend

Written By Janalea Jeppson May 2006

She showed me how to love life
Until it loved me back.
She listened to my heart when all I
Could hear were echoes,
Then she wrote down the melody
And sang it back to me.
When my dreams were too big
Too wild and too far away,
She helped me tame them
Until they were close enough …
And gentle enough to be realized.
She was kind and loving and patient with me.
Because of this, I understood my worth.
She woke up one day and threw away
All of her excuses,
And then came over with a broom
And a dustpan
And together we threw away mine too!
She ignored me when I said, “It’s impossible!”
And like a potter with clay, she
Helped me shape the possibilities.
When she discovered she could fly,
She Helped me to find my wings,
She painted the tips with gold …
Then taught me to fly!
We both learned how to enjoy life
To the end ..
Instead of merely enduring to the end.
And together we joined in the celebration!
When my life wasn’t turning out
the way I imagined …
She helped me to imagine more.
She lassoed a rainbow for me,
And used it to color my world with love.
She is the light that
Show’s me the way,
She make’s my world a better place.
She is my treasured friend.
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some moves our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding
with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile,
leave footprints on our hearts
and we are never, ever the same.”


Melissa said...

Right back at you, Jana! :)

mintifresh said...

I love it and your new blog design! I know you totally wrote that poem for me! ;) Love you!

Cindy Lou Who said...'s beautiful! I wish I had your talents! You are so creative!