Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm still learning ...

1. Usually when you think you've got it all together ...think again!

2. I've learned that if the grass looks greener on the other side ... someone spilled some paint!(this is not a new lesson I've learned ...just one that rears it's ugly head when I think I know my grass from my paint and I really don't!)

3. I have learned that men are like parking spaces ... the good ones are taken and the rest are usually not worth the extra walk!(this is not a new lesson either ...just a mental note as I sit here lonely in my house with my cat!)

4. I have learned that God gives flowers to everyone ...not just the girlfriends or the brides .. (I did steal that line from Cherie Call)He also gave me a bright sunny day!

5. I have learned that you can love an animal even if they scratch and bite ...

6. I have learned that if you feel guilty just because you feel "less than" for a minute, the only one who's having a party is the adversary!

7. I have learned that it doesn't matter what other people think as long as you know you've chosen the right.

8. Embarrassment does not last forever and is rarely remembered by anyone but you!

9. The answer to all things lie somewhere in the scriptures.

10. That if you drink a big gulp before going to the temple ... you are only asking for trouble!

11. I have learned that nothing is as bad as it seems ...

12. I have learned that faith is the glue that keeps it all together ... and hope makes all things possible!

13. I have learned that there is humor in everything ...My mantra "there's a giggle in every minute if you find the joy within it!"!

14. I have learned that when the chips are down ... grab the salsa and have a party!

15. I have learned that there is nothing as wonderful as having a family on your side!

16. I have learned that liking what you do is far more important than how much money that you make. That lesson was retaught to me when I left a job I really loved to go elsewhere and elsewhere ended up being the thing that made me want to seek therapy and overdose on antidepressants!

17. I have learned that the greatest place to spend some time is the temple!

18. I have learned that where ever you go, there you are ... you can't run away from yourself!

19. I have learned that whatever you think will manifest itself into truth!

20. I have learned that you teach people how to treat you.

21. I have learned that if I fully rely on God ... I will never be disappointed!

22. I have learned that if I take a few extra moments in the morning to make my lunch ....I can save myself 5.00 bucks!

23. I have learned that some weeds are beautiful ... sunflowers come to mind.

24. I have learned that I love diet Coke more than I wanted to admit!

25. I have learned that amazing things can happen if you believe!

26. I have learned that if you're gonna dream ... DREAM BIG!

27. I have learned that music can bring hope and fill my heart with joy ... and Miley Cyrus got it right when she sang "Party In The USA". I just need some great tunes and if life really bites I just need to find some tunes!
"So I put my hands up
They're playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
Nodding' my head like yeah
Moving my hips like yeah,
And I got my hands up,
They're playing my song
I know I'm gonna be OK
Yeah, It's a party in the USA
Yeah, It's a party in the USA"

28. A testimony of the gospel can give you power that I could never describe or explain!

29. And keeping Christ your focus will keep your life centered!

30. I have learned that it is not required that I know all things ... I must just have faith in all things

31.I have learned that gratitude is everything! If I focus on my gratefuls, I find joy in how much I am truly blessed.

32. I have learned that the most beautiful sound in the world is the sound of the words "I Love you" ... It's great to hear, it's great to say ... I'll say it more often!

33. I have learned that donuts don't make it all better, but they sure make a great emotional bandaide!

34. I have learned that true friends are a rare and precious thing ...embrace the ones you have!

35. I have learned that if you are standing all alone in the dark, it's because you chose to be there ... if you don't want to be there...MOVE!!

36. I have learned that even if you know an emergency tech that looks like George Clooney, He isn't worth the 150.00 copay!

37. I have learned that if you stay up passed midnight on Facebook playing breaking bricks're going to be tired in the morning!

38. And I have learned that everyday gives me a new opportunity to learn something new .. so I know I will never stop learning ...


Karalee said...

i love your post. You have learned a lot.

S&F Seminario said...

This is a pretty amazing post. Talk about count your many blessings. Thanks for sharing.