Sunday, February 7, 2010


I was so touched by the spirit today, I spent the entire fast and testimony meeting blubbering like an idiot!

I heard something today that really stuck with me ... let me share ...

"We don’t need to reach a certain level of worthiness to receive help from our Savior. That’s why He’s the Savior – because He can save us – anytime, anywhere, and in any pitiful condition we are in – if we are willing to be helped. If you stop and think about what we want to be and where we want to be, and what we are now at the present time, none of us are [is] worthy, none of us, and never will be without Him – but He still loves us.

One last thing: If your efforts to live your religion take all the joy and fun out of life, you’re not doing it right"

What a wonderful testiment ... that our Savior is always there and that living your religion should bring you true joy! I know it brings me a great deal of joy and peace. When nothing makes sense ... I turn to the Savior and he makes sense out of it! What a joy that is to me!

1 comment:

The Whittacres said...

Amen! Thanks for sharing!!!