Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happiness ... hmmmmm ...

Every day brings a new set of struggles ... I've never really had a problem dealing with the doses of daily crap that we all get ...until lately, and I find my self running to stay ahead of the crap monster!

Well, my daily life can be happier. It is a matter of choice, right? first of all, attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy ... so, there must needs be a change of attitude ...mine ... If we let other events and/or people influence our moods, we become their slaves. We lose our freedom. We let our happiness be determined by someone or something else.

so I choose to ignore those things and/or the people that bring me down and move forward ... and if they get in my way again ... well, let's just say, it's not gonna be pretty!

Some of those grungemites include:

people whose opinions should not matter!
obsessive thoughts about my imperfections!

So, here are my solutions for bringing more happiness into my daily life ...

1) I will always look at the bright side, and not let my mind drag me into thinking about negativity and difficulties. There is a good and positive side to every situation ... I will do my best to find it.

2) I will think of solutions, not problems.

3) I will laugh more! Even if I have to just think funny thoughts!

4) I will find joy in every day!

5) Each day,I will devote some time to find inspiration!

6) I will watch my thoughts, and whenever I catch myself thinking negative thoughts, I will start thinking of pleasant things.

7) I will always look at what I have done and not at what I haven't.

8) Each day do something good for myself.

9) Each day I will do at least one act to make others happy.

10)I will always expect happiness.

11) I will associate with happy people, and try to learn from them to be happy. Remember, happiness is contagious.

12) I will do best to remain calm and in control when all that is about me is erupting into chaos!

15.) I will learn that it is not within my power to heal the ills of the world!

14.) I will count my gratefulls every day and all my cares will fly away!

15.) I will not be so hard on myself!

16.) And if all else fails I will allow myself to hide in a small, dark place eating donuts and drinking diet coke until I am in a sugar/caffeine stupor!


Melissa said...

Good for you Jana. I think your happiness IS me. Keep up the joy and good attitude. It helps me too! :)

mintifresh said...

I like 16 the best! I can do 16, no problem! ;)

The Redhead Riter said...

I love the last one!