Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

I just celebrated a birthday! I Love birthday's! My mom came to town to go to her high school reunion, she came a few days early just to celebrate with me! Thanks mom! My sister and her family provided delicious nourishment and a raspberry filled birthday cake! My nephew and his girlfriend made a delightful banner and It was just an all in all nice day. The only bummer was my dad never called. I don't ask for much, just a phone call ... oh well, it's not the first time he has forgotten...I'm sure it's not the last.

Funny story, My birthday was the 22nd, which was Sunday. A sweet little 4 year old that is in my ward came up to me after meeting and handed me a starburst candy. I was thrilled and expressed to her the fact that her little piece of candy and her wish was my first wish of the day and my first present! She gave me the funniest look and said, "You're kidding! What a sad life!" I'm still giggling about it!

I went to dinner with a friend on Monday and another friend and her husband and son took me out on Tuesday (Olive Garden...YUMM!) and tomorrow night (Friday) I get to go to Red Robin! I Love Birthdays! I love milking it for all it's worth!
Thank you everybody for your presents, cards and well wishes! You make me smile!


mintifresh said...

We should go out and party for our birthdays!

Melissa said...

Birthdays should be celebrated for at least a week, so I'm glad you're doing some celebrating even though your actual day is over.....and hey, my dad doesn't call me on my birthday either. And sometimes I even talk to him on that day, but he doesn't say the words. It's discouraging sometimes, but then I just think that "If it's gonna kill you to wish your daughter a happy birthday, then I'd rather you didn't do it." Probably a bad attitutude on my part, but it seems to mean more from the people who really want to show their love! So try not to let it get you down....At any rate, glad you had a good day!

The Whittacres said...

One of these days I will come and take you to dinner for Dad his brain has been gone for far too long...I know it means a lot to you to hear him say it but he forgets mine too if it makes you feel any better. LOVE ya and glad your birthday was a blast