Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Life Story ...

     Justin Bieber has written an autobiography. I was thinking, what on earth does he have to write about, he's 16! I doubt I'll read it...
Should I write my autobiography? I don't know if I have anything interesting enough to say, well interesting enough to compel any readers to partake of my written word ... hard to say, really. If I did write my biography, I may be able to lure readers in with a catchy title;

"Ding Dongs, Zingers, Donuts...And Other Pastry's I Have Known"
"Echoes Of My Mind And Other Cries For Help"
"Diaries Of An Insomniac ...101 Things To Do At 3:00 am"
"Just Who Is Ben? And Other Fictional Men I Have Dated"
or Maybe ...
"Unemployed And Too Pretty To Work"
"I Blog, Therefore I Am"
"I Think My Timing Was Off ... Memoirs Of A Gal That Is Perpetually A Day Late and A Dollar Short"

Would you read one of those books? Maybe my mother would long as it didn't interfere with her favorite TV programs.
I haven't done anything in my life that warrants a parade ...but I can occasionally pen words of wisdom and humor! I think, but do I really have anything to say??? 
I think we all have something to say as we live and experience life. We learn, we grow, we laugh, we cry, we hope, we dream. What we experience matters. We make a difference, each of us in our own way, we make a difference to ourselves and to those around us. I think when we get lost in the day to day stuff that we all have, we forget that life is here for us to partake of and sometimes the seemingly smallest thing can make a huge difference to the bigger picture of our existence. Maybe one day I will pen my life story. I don't think it will be as big as "I Nephi, having been born of goodly parents..." But I don't doubt that whatever I have to say will be valuable. Even if it is valuable just to me.
So, as I walk the path of life I will find joy in the journey and experience a giggle a minute which will give my biography a flare of humor so at least it will be entertaining to read!


mintifresh said...

I'd buy and read a copy of that but I would expect a signed copy! ;)

You seriously have the greatest stories! You should totally do it!

Melissa said...

I'd buy one too. Get writing it! :)

Laralynn said...

I would by one too. I love your writing.

The Whittacres said...

I want a copy! When is coming to the shelves...I'm with Mindi I expect a signed autographed copy...I vote for the second title..Echo's of My Mind and Other Cries For Help!" LOVE it! The others are good too though...I love you and your writing...I hope you put all your poetry in the back too as like an appendix or whatever...:-D

The Whittacres said...

P.S. I would totally pay you for it too...just because I am your sister I don't expect a free copy

Anonymous said...

I want FIVE signed copies and I will pay for them too! Unless it is really pricey then I will buy one and my kids will have to buy their own. I vote for "Echo's of my mind" too! I am waiting, so hurry!