Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whatever Happened To Snail Mail???

Don't get me wrong folks, I love a good e-mail along with the next gal! I really enjoy getting comments on my blog posts. Text messages from the nieces and nephews are a good thing, but I miss snail mail! I was rummaging through a box and found a birthday card sent to me by my grandma in 2001, that's the last birthday card I ever got from her.  She passed away just days before my birthday that year but had already written the card. I stared at her handwriting and it brought tears to my eyes. Do kids even realize today how valuable handwriting is? That it is an actual piece of someone that can be cherished? Does that sound corny? I don't mean it to but as I fumbled through the box further, I found more priceless treasures. and my heart was moved as I read notes from old friends and family members.
I read a note that a dear friend gave to me when I lost my job. I have read that note at least a hundred times over the last few months ... it gives me encouragement and hope.  It reminds me that no matter how frustrating and unfair my life seems right now, there are people who are with me, who care and pray for me.
I know that we all feel insignificant and alone now and again. Because of that I know how important those written notes can be to offer comfort and strength. I saw a news report and then read an article online about a man who committed to writing a thank you note every day for a year and how it changed his life. Perhaps I need to take a lesson from him and make a point to noticing and expressing gratitude to individuals in my own life. I also read an article by a girl who, after being diagnosed with a debilitating disease, was encouraged to step outside of her "poor me" attitude and do something for others in order to refocus. So she decided to give 29 gifts in 29 days.  She said it changed her life. I was thinking, I too need to refocus my energy. I could take this new found knowledge and use it to benefit someone besides me ... the possibilities are endless....hummmm ...
I think in order to see your world change, you must do something to change your world. Just a thought.

1 comment:

mintifresh said...

I was just thinking the other day that my kids probably don't even recognize my handwriting since they rarely see it. Even when I write them notes, it's usually typed. I'm totally gonna handwrite more notes.

I see you read Cheeseboy, isn't he just the best? :)