Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kindness Begins With Me

Kindness is a beautiful thing! In being kind, we are being true to who we really are.  I believe any true action begin in thoughts - as well as our hearts - it shows in the way we smile, in the way we breath, in the light of our eyes.. I believe kindness can change the energy of the world as a whole.  What can I possibly do to change the world, I'm not Oprah. Though I do believe my existence is valuable, I know it is small. Last Sunday we heard the cute story of "Ordinary Mary And Her Extraordinary Deed." The story is about a little girl who does a small act of kindness and creates a ripple effect that touches and changes the world!
 And so this very ordinary girl with an ordinary life, much like mine, made an extraordinary difference!
We all need for someone to care - to think kind thoughts of us - to believe and see the truth of who we are beneath all the money or the lack of money, what kind of clothes we wear, if we feel or are too fat or too thin.  We all want to be significant. To be equal - as one - because we are.

Being kind serves our own heart; Being kind compliments our intentions; Being kind helps us stay light and helps us to stay strong.

I remember the primary song;

Kindness Begins with Me, 145

"I want to be kind to ev’ryone,

For that is right, you see.

So I say to myself, “Remember this:

Kindness begins with me.”
Words and music: Clara W. McMaster, 1904–1997. © 1969 IRI

I was so moved by the Ordinary Mary story and the possibilities that adopting that philosophy on purpose in my life might do wonders for my own morale! I am at a point of constant frustration in my life and I am desperately trying to find a way to shake it loose. So, I have developed my own kindness project.  I make cards or send notes. That's what I do to bring me joy! And so I will begin my project by sending cards of kindness! Something that says,  "you make a difference in my life" or "Thank you for all you do" .
I want to make a difference. I want to inspire and lift and motivate.
Ephesians 4:32  "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you."

So, I will warm someones heart today … pass love along even in a card, I think I can make a difference in someones life today … tomorrow … always. The key is to just do it. Random acts of kindness, I think they call it?

I truly value kindness - above all else.

Your single good deed, big or small, can inspire others and cause a ripple effect of kindness that continues to grow as others join in. Start something today — the more people who take action, the larger your ripple will become.


Melissa said...

My heart was very warmed by your card on Saturday. Thank you so much! Those random acts of kindness DO mean a lot...

Kayleen said...

I want to read that book.