Thursday, September 29, 2011

Standing in Holy Places

The ground outside my mailbox is holy ground ... no, really ... let me explain. I'm standing at a crossroad in my life at the present time. I am working on which way I need to go. finances are definitely a challenge, but I have truly been blessed. The Lord has sent angels in my life bridge the gaps, just when I need it most. I have received twice in the mail, a very generous gift. I am sure these mailed gifts were sent by the same person. And my gratitude knows know end to the sacrifice that this person has had to have to help me out. The gifts have been anonymous, truly sent in love without need for temporal reward. I have also received a gift taped to my door and something left by a dear friend in my car. My sister and her husband have also touched me with their unconditional financial support. These sweet gifts have filled such need when my car needed tires or when necessity warranted a short trip out of town because my mother had surgery. Or when I needed to pay the registration on my car.  So I find that the ground outside my mailbox, the place outside my front door, my car, or the inside of a birthday card ... these are all holy places.
Standing in a holy place geographically speaking is obvious, the temple comes to mind as a sacred and holy place. What I am speaking of now, is more of a personal dimension ...every place we stand is sacred if we stand with God with an eye single to His glory.

A core trait of those who Stand in Holy Places seems to be sacrifice.
 I know that those givers of my gifts sacrificed much for me, I thank you all so humbly.

I am truly lifted by your generosity and love for me.


Jeanna said...

Thanks for your thoughts! Especially about making a holy place wherever you stand.

susan m hinckley said...

So nicely expressed! I find myself at a bit of a crossroads as well. Thanks for helping me remember to look for sacred ground and recognize it in unlikely and easily overlooked places.

mintifresh said...

Beautiful, Jana! We've had similar experiences and you're right, they are sacred!! xoxo