Monday, September 19, 2011

To Join Or Not To Join, that is the Question ....

Join a gym??? I think not! I was once chastized at a health club when I entered by an overly fit young man! It left a fearful taste in my mouth ... no one likes to be harassed ... I, after all, was trying to do a good thing! That being said, a friend of mine suggested a few days ago that I join a gym with her. I explained to her that aside from the fact that my growing need for welfare has rendered my wallet cash free, there is no way in [insert explative here] I am going to publicly display my jiggle!!! I have compiled my list of reasons why ... for your entertainment!!!

Top Seven Reasons NOT To Join A Gym:

1. Spandex and I are not friends! (the visual should render you speachless!)

2. In my mind, donuts are not a treat, they are a major food group.

3. Why would I want to pay someone to allow me to walk up and down a stair stepper, when I can do that at home for free and still don't?!

4. Because my get up and go, got up and went...

5. Because my friend tried to motivate me by saying, "We are women, hear us roar!" and my reply was ... "I like naps! Hear me snore!"

6. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would want buns of steel?!

7. I can't possibly get a workout worth the money when just wriggling into my excersize bra leaves me winded!

Well those are just a few reasons ... for now, that is enough!


Middle-aged Mormon Man said...

I would love to comment - but since I am a guy I think it would be inappropriate. Sorry.

S&F Seminario said...

Jana very cute new blog design. I haven't been on the blogosphere for a while. THANKS for coming to visit ours :).