Friday, January 9, 2009

I've been tagged!

... so here I go:

1. 2 of your most embarrassing moments: Ahh...embarrassment life is one giant ball of embarrassment! I lost my skirt and showed myself and my undies to the entire University Of Utah population on the plaza outside the Marriot library one day in April ... it's been 20 years and I am still mortified!!! And most recently, I went to a special open house of the Draper temple ... coming home was a joke ... I have a hard time seeing at night and so unfamiliar roads are scary! I followed friends out until they got on to I-15. I pulled over shortly after because I lost my baring and couldn't figure out where I was. A man saw me and and my obvious distress and came over and ask if he could help. I was bawling of course! "I can't figure out how to find the Bangerter!" I wailed! "Mam, your on it." "What direction am I going?" "North bound ..." he answered (very patiently) Poor guy, probably thought I was on heavy drugs! Oh well!

2. Who are your best friends: Too many to name ... I am so popular! My sister Kayleen, ranks up at the top! Laralyn, Stephen, Katherine, Ailao, Melissa, Amity, Susie ... I could go on and on ...don't verify this list though ... some of them may deny they know me! :o)

3 things you buy regularly: Cat food, Diet Soda and anything high in fat and calories!

4 places you want to go (and might actually really go):
1. I'm always going crazy, but I've never actually gotten there. Perhaps the next person to drive me nuts will actually not miss the exit at crazy!
2. Heaven would be nice! I know some people personally that left to go there and never came back , so , it must be worth the trip!
3. I would love to go to Austria and climb a mountain and sing ... "The Hills Are Alive, With The Soud Of Music!" and lastly,
4. I want to go to Australia ... I don't know why ... it just souds fun!

5 goals for the upcoming year (that you might actually do):
1. clean my house at least once ... I don't want to over extend myself :o),
2. Perhaps I will also clean out my car ...I took out the bag of groceries that had expiration dates from 1999 and submitted them to "Ripley's Believe It or Not!" I expect my 15 minutes of fame to begin any minute now!
3. Scripture study more often would be nice for spiritual growth!
4. I think it would be fun to introduce my ward to Auntie Velma ... she's my very sarcastically humored alter ego... she was invented as a memory of all those years watching Carol Burnett!
5. I have made a vow to stop eating fast food in my car ... now, all of you people who feel compelled to monitor me ... I said I will stop eating it in my car!! Not altogether stop, so don't tell me all about it if you see me at the BK lounge. As long as I'm inside ... that's OK

6 things most people don't know about you: The things most people don't know should really be kept a secret! Let's see ...
1. I talk to myself ... I find that I am very uplifting and incredibly funny! and obnoxious, but we won't go there!
2. I once sang primary songs in a stuck elevator with L Tom Perry of the quorum of the 12. And since we're going there,
3. Jeffery R Holland gave me a nativity from Italy for Christmas in 1988!
4. My romantic fantasies are rated G ...sad, but true!
5. I once snuck away from a date and left him sitting there. I went home ... he was weird and creepy anyway ...I hope I didn't scar him for life ... I doubt it.
6. I had a swatch watch ...back in the day ... it fell off my wrist on the Port Jefferson Ferry on Long Island and is now floating somewhere in the bottom of the atlantic ocean.

7 things you will probably never say:
1."I do"
2."I'm the greatest mother"
3." I am one hot wife!"
4. "NO, Will Smith, I can't go out with you!!" (Jada is very tiny ... I think I could take her out with one blow ...don't you?)
5."Look how thin I am!"
6. "Stickem up!"
7. "scuze me ocifer, I'm not as think as you drunk I am!"

8 things you love about life:
1. Funny stuff! I love ...absolutely love to laugh!
2. Family! There is always someone on my side matter how wrong I am!
3. chocolate and vanilla! Flavor is always good!
4. Friends! (see #2)(they can be interchangeable ... one is more eternal than the other)
5. Kids ... I don't care who's kids ... just kids ... they are a constant source of joy and entertainment!
6. Having the gospel ...knowing that I am a daughter of God!
7. pets ...another source of joy and entertainment!
8. snail mail ... it's a lost art ...but aren't you just so excited when you get something fun in the mail?

9 things you say most often to the people you're closest to:
1. "You're making me tired!"
2. "You're making me crazy!
3. " Well, there ya go!"
4. "Don't be such a wing nut!"
5. "Well, Hello poo poo head!" (I say this to my cat)
6. "Don't bug me ...I need a nap!"
7. "huh??.."
8. "Fine, fine as frog's hair!"
9. " I love you!"

10 things you do a lot:
1. Sleep or try to anyway
2. look at the clock
3. Think
4. whine (do I get cheese with that!?)
5. read
6. imagine things
7. write down some of the things I imagine
8. sing
9. go potty !! (far more than you'd think one would need too!)
10. look at blogs and facebook

11 things you would rather not live without:
1. Food
2. my family
3. Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi
4. money
5. friends
6. cellphone
7. hot showers
8. my car
9. indoor plumbing
10. the Gospel
11. my kitty

12 Readers ... feel free to be tagged if you want to play too!


Melissa said...

I LOVED it! That was so cute. You always make me laugh!

mintifresh said...

I've learned so much about you! Wouldn't that be cool if you found your watch on day washed up on shore but in California or something?! Hey, you still have a chance to say "I do"! You are still alive, right?!

Stephen T said...

Glad I made your list. You should have just called us Sunday night. We would have told you where you were.

I think I have to go potty now after reading this. I am still laughing.... with you.