Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh No! Not again!

1.What State did you grow up in, and where did you go to High School? The state of confusion! :o) ... no, Utah! I went to East High School!

2. Tell about your family: I have spoke of my family numerous times ... you all know I have five brothers and 4 sisters and I am 3rd! I have 19 nieces and nephews . so, I'll pass on new stuff! My Oldest nephew is 26 years old now ... I have not seen or talked to him for 23 years ... I talked to me through Facebook! My heart is filled with joy!

3. What do you do in your spare time? read, craft, write and day dream!

4. What is your dream vacation? At the present time, I would like to be on a beach in New Zealand with a sexy, spiritual Samoan!

5. The characteristic that bugs you most about yourself? I am a slob! I don't like to admit it ...but it is true! Pray for me ...Please!

6. Your best quality (you CANNOT say you don't have one!) I am perfectly delightful in every way! So, it's so hard to choose just one! :o) (cheesy grin)

7. Who is the one person you would spend the day with if you could spend it with anyone in the history of time! I would love to spend the day with Jesus ... I would sit at His feet and hang on his every word ...and I would get a hug before He had to leave! Now that would be the best day ever!

8. Have you ever been picked on by a bully? Yes!! I would name names if this wasn't publicly accessible! I wrote a story about one bully in my life and it was published, In Chicken Soup for The Preteen Soul Part 2!

9. Most embarrassing moment? OK, I've shared two stories from my past ... I do not have a shortage of these moments in my life, however ... so ... (this did not happen at my current job ... it happened a couple of years ago)
I was scheduled to do a presentation at work and I was very,very nervous because corporate big wigs were going to be there! I have asthma is stressed induced ... well you do the math ... I remember standing up to start my presentation and the next thing I remember was waking up in an ambulance! I passed out and I wasn't breathing! I passed out again ... OK, before I go on let me ask you...How come EM T's are so cute and you only see them in your most vulnerable moments? ...just asking ...back to the story. When I woke up again I was in the hospital, severely dehydrated and on oxygen. the Emergency room physician was soooooo cute! I said "Holy Cow, what a babe!" Well, kids, I thought that I was just thinking that thought it my head but I learned from his bright red face that I actually said it out loud ... I was ...needless to say ...mortified!
10. Most hated chore? Cleaning the toilet! Or maybe ... no, it's definitely cleaning the toilet!

11. Favorite comic strip? I love "Kathy" of course "Maxine" is wonderful ... and I will always love Ziggy!

12. Favorite TV show? "The Ghost Whisperer"

13. What is the best movie you have ever seen? That is relative to the time ... I loved "You've Got Mail" and "Just Like Heaven"

14. If you could go back and fix any regret what would it be? I wouldn't be such a fraidy cat ...There are a lot of things I would just go for ...if I could do it again!

15. If you were a doughnut-which kind would you be and why?
I would be a Bismark ... a wonderfully frosted glazed treat ... filled with a delightful surprise of yumminess on the inside!
... now you play ...copy, post it on your blog with your own answers!

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