Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bryan ...

This picture was taken approx Spring 1966
Bryan is the chubby one in the striped rugby shirt

My brother passed away yesterday. I can't really wrap my brain around the concept. He was only 44. He was funny and kind and was a good friend. He also was the one person in this life that could make me more crazy than any other human being! :o)

I have 21 things about him here ... so you can know him too!

1. I never had to worry about having someone on my side ... I always knew, no matter what, that he would be there.

2. He used to to the zaniest Steve Martin impression!

3. We both like the "Ghost Whisperer"

4. The most important thing in his life was his family!

5. He has a great wife, Teena, they have a forever family ...

five sons and one daughter

6. Chris, Corey, Anthony, Brandon, Devin and Eric ...

7. Devin is the girl

8. He had a honorary daughter, Rebeca ... Becca, is the mother of his grand kids ... Chaim, Sariah and Jordan

9. He loved to camp ... I hate to camp

10. He was able to go to Chicago with his family to see his son Brandon graduate from boot camp.

11. He could really make me laugh!

12. He knew all the buttons to push to really make me crazy!

13. He overcame many obstacles in his life!

14. He was my friend .. he was a friend to everyone !!! He would help total strangers ...

15. I wish you could have known him!

16. He lived life with passion!

20. He had many talents!

21. After many years of challenging his religious beliefs ... he finally figured it out ... in the long run, that's what mattters most.

This is Bryan's family today:

left to right back row : Devin 20, Becca,Teena(his wife), Bryan, Brandon 22,

left to right front row: Sariah 4, Chaim 6, Anthony 24, Jordan 2, Eric 14

And this is Chris his oldest son, he'll be 27 on July 5th

not pictured is Corey who passed away at age 10 from Cancer ... he would be 25 now.


mintifresh said...

I am so sorry, Jana. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.

Cindy Lou Who said...

Jana...I can only imagine how it feels to lose a brother...and how I would feel if I lost my brother. My sympathies, my love and my prayers are with you! I am so sorry!

bahsmom said...

I can't get the pictures to show. I am getting frustrated with my computer. I love the Journaling though

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Was he sick? Was it unexpected? I will keep you in my prayers. That was a nice tribute to him. I'm thinking about you....

Diane said...

I read about it in the newspaper and my heart goes out to you. I know this is very sad for your whole family. We are keeping you in our prayers.