Thursday, November 5, 2009


I Love this time of year! I love the crispness in the air! I love the holidays! I just love it!
It's been a rough year! But I recognize God's hand in all things and among the trials and heart aches there has been much joy! I choose to celebrate the joy and I choose to find that joy in gratitude for every blessing I have been given!
And I challenge those who read this to take one minute right now to bring to mind at least one thing you are grateful for. It may be as simple as the breath you take, the sunshine through a window or the music you may hear in the background. In this one minute, truly feel the gratitude in your heart, in your soul… feel it in your body. Be one with this feeling of gratitude.
What’s so great about Gratitude?
Gratitude is the highest vibration that is available to us in this universe.
Gratitude is a space of joy. You may feel a smile cross your face. You may even feel a small breath of laughter escape you.
Gratitude opens your spirit. Your heart will feel as though it is expanding. You may feel lighter, vibrant and energized.
Gratitude is the allowing of all that is. You will feel peaceful no matter what surrounds you in your home, at work, or anywhere on the planet.
Gratitude is being one with God. You will not feel alone. You will have a knowing that you are a part of the Divine Order of the Universe and a part of God’s Plan.
Gratitude is fullness. You will know this when you feel it.
Gratitude is a practice. Teach yourself to feel the gratitude in every moment! It's there I promise! The mere thought of it makes you tingle, makes you smile, and brings you into a space of joy, love and peace. The practice of gratitude will assist you in your daily life. It will help you to find the good in all that is, it will help you to feel the beauty and wonder of what surrounds you, it will put your mind at ease and it will fill your heart with feelings of love.

I challenge you ... every day this month to find the grateful in your day! And not just notice it, but praise God for it as well!


Karalee said...

Thanks again Jana. You seem to write just what I need to hear. I will be grateful today.

mintifresh said...

I am grateful for you! :)