Sunday, February 5, 2012

Though life is hard, I am blessed...

Here I am, still trying to figure it all out. I do not understand why this must be, what am I not learning that I need to be? I haven't posted for a while. But here I am again ... frustrated with life and the trials therein ... same crap, different day.

But, when I think of all I do endure I think of how blessed I have been ... the quiet hero who left an envelope taped to my front door with a precious gift. Whom ever you were ... God bless you. Bless also the angel in the mail, my gratitude can find no words. I am also blessed for the yummy soup that Gloria shares with me, and for the bucket of fudge from Melissa. I am so blessed by the love and concern from my sister and her family for my temporal and emotional well being. I have been so blessed by good wishes and prayers from friends and family that when I'm feeling whiny, I just have to count my blessings! I am sure the adversary just sits and hopes that these trials in life will break me ... yea verily I say unto you, dude!  I can kick some Satan butt!!! Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!
My trials are miner comparatively speaking  ... and I can almost hear my grandma say ... Jana, this too shall pass. (sooner than later, I hope)


Lena said...

Oh, my dear Jana, I pray for you all the time that this all will pass. Sending my hugs were your way!

mintifresh said...

Right on, Jana! Don't let Satan get you down!! You are awesome!!!

Jeanna said...

We love you, Jana!