Monday, July 29, 2013

Come Unto Christ ...

7/29/2013 I read the Book's of Enos, Jarom, Omni and The Words Of Mormon:

"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."  --Omni 26

And so we come Unto Christ ... there is so much to partake of when we partake of the bounty that he offers...that only He can offer! I have learned in my fifty years ...(yes, I said fifty! Sigh) ...anyway, I have learned that there is absolutely nothing in life more important than a personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ! That relationship alone will get you not only through this life, but through this life happily. You’ve heard “Endure to the End”, well that sounds like a lot of work and not always pleasant, sometimes it's just hard …but enduring is necessary, and by developing a relationship with Christ … growing a testimony of truth in your heart. Learning to apply spiritual knowledge and the atonement to your life and walking with God and His Son Jesus Christ and allowing them to be the center … the very core of who you are, this will keep you floating when you’re not strong enough to swim anymore!


These prophets in the book of Mormon have not only preached of Christ, but they are telling the history of a family. I have so much enjoyed journeying these last 300+ years with this family.

 I am filled with loving thoughts of my own family!  They bring me such joy! No, I have never had a child but I live motherhood vicariously through my nieces and nephews! Ya know what? None of us are perfect ... but my love for them is pure and Christ like ... never once have I wanted anything but happiness for each and every member. Even the ones that don't live the way I live. Being part of a family is about unconditional love and about cultivating relationships within that realm of family,  and also about taking the time to make every moment matter. Being part of a family means letting go of pettiness, and rivalry, and jealousy and rejoicing in the light of the wonderful gift of having someone to hang on to! Having someone to hang onto is priceless!

Time is fleeting … we only have a minute and then this life will be over! I never cease to be amazed that time seems to be rolling by faster and faster every year. The older I get, the faster it goes ... SO get in … hang on ….keep your arms and legs inside the ride … feel the breeze in your hair as you slide from now to forever! And after you have climbed a painful hill, put your hands in the air and laugh, feel the true joy that our Father desires us to experience!

Live out loud! … Be who God created you to be! You have a gift within you that no other soul that has ever lived or ever will live can share. Don’t leave this life looking back and wondering …did I do everything I was supposed to??

Dream! God did not give you the power to dream without also giving you the power to make your dreams come true! So Dream and Dream Big for the world’s possibilities are endless if we are only open enough to receive them!

Be Grateful! True joy is experienced in gratitude for all you have been given!

Keep promises! Promises ignored will cause pain and the pain caused takes value and self worth from another and only leaves you with regret!

Forgive! People can be thoughtless at times, I am learning that most of the time that thoughtlessness is never intended to hurt you … be patient and be kind … be like the Savior. Find a way to take the conditions off of your love … I know there are times in life and loving that this is not that easy … but I know that giving it the best you have is worth it!

Learn to get along! God gave us agency and because of that agency we all make choices to the dictates of our own conscience … and He said Love one another. I have mentioned it before, it is so important that I will mention it again and again and again ... Love thy neighbor! Satan is having a heyday with misunderstanding and anger! There is name calling and frustration reeking havoc in the streets. The garbage being thrown causes pain and heartache in the hearts of all who make the choice to participate! Be the change! Build a bridge ... learn to be compassionate! Be the shining example of Christ Like love and you will be a beacon for the world!

Make your life story a story of love, joy and and unselfisheness. Follow Christ's example and yours will definitely be an awesome story to tell!

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