Sunday, August 4, 2013

Introducing Abinidi ...

8/4/2014 read Mosiah chapter's 6-11;

I have pondered these chapter's for hours looking for inspiration on what to blog. There are times when I cannot think of any poetic wisdom to impart ...I know, I know, however, it is true ...LOL!

What stands out to me mostly is being introduced to the prophet Abinidi. The following quote is from the April 1992 article in the Ensign written by Robert J. Matthews;

"The prophet Abinadi holds a singular place in the Book of Mormon. He was the first to die as a martyr, and his doctrinal teachings clarify the purpose of the law of Moses, identify the Redeemer, and declare facts about the doctrine of resurrection not previously mentioned in the book. He was capable of exquisite language sparked with fiery metaphor, yet was plainspoken to the point of bluntness. Abinadi confronted the wicked establishment single-handedly. The record gives no hint of any other prophet being present with him. So far as we know, he converted but one man, yet that one man (Alma) became the progenitor of a posterity that kept the sacred records and served as the ecclesiastical leaders (and sometimes the political leaders) for the remainder of the Nephite history, a period of well over four hundred years. Without Abinadi’s story, the Book of Mormon would lack continuity, and a major part of the book’s message would be missing." Abinadi ministered to the people of Zeniff, a group of Nephites who had left the land of Zarahemla and settled in the land of Lehi-Nephi and Shilom (see Mosiah 7:21) about 200 B.C. Zeniff reigned as king of this people (under the permission of the Lamanite king of the land) at the same time as Mosiah and King Benjamin reigned in Zarahemla. Zeniff was a good man, although he identifies himself as “over-zealous.” (Mosiah 9:3.) His son and successor was Noah."

Under Noah’s reign, both the government and the people were idolatrous, lazy and immoral. They were prideful and liked having material things and they liked to drink wine! (that is never a good plan ... no good thing comes from drunkenness!!!) They had a love of money, they were liars and just were just a bunch of naughty people! As I read I was thinking that they were much like many people in the world we live in today! King Noah did not like Abinidi and wanted him dead ... 
And there I leave you hanging ... (tune in tomorrow and find out just what happens to Abinidi!)

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