Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 13 Writing Challange: A few things I have Learned

1. Life is a tender and fragile thing ... we need to take care of ourselves, prioritize to keep balance and live ... whining, complaining and sitting around just wastes that fragile time.

2. Stand for something ... or you'll fall for anything! Be a part of something you believe in, find refuge in your faith ...only in that faith will you find strength, hope and purpose.

3. Always make time for family and friends ... every moment lived is gone never to return. Make each moment matter!

4. be grateful! Life is richer and more meaningful when you find joy in all you are blessed with and true happiness is found in that gratitude!

5. Find joy in the journey. Notice the wonderful things in life...slow down and savor each delicate moment! It’s all about taking that moment to notice the orange and pink sunset reflecting off the pond water as you hold hands with someone you love. If you find that joy, there will never be any regrets!

6. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

7. Be kind ... no one likes a poop snot!

8. Laugh Often!

9. Never be afraid to tell someone how you feel!

10. Forgive ... holding hurt, anger and frustration inside keeps you in a prison that keeps you stagnant in your own life!

11. Don't be afraid to take a chance … Columbus did! And guess what??? The world is not flat!!

12. Make the choice to make your life what you dream it can be ...there's no such thing as a good excuse!

13. DREAM BIG!!! "If you have dreams inside your heart... don’t ever let them go, for dreams can be the magic seeds from which tomorrows grow!" I saw that once on a hallmark card ...the only regret in dreaming is not striving to make them come true! Pick one ... work on it ... and dance in the victory!

14. And this is just as true now as it was when I originally blogged it ... NEVER drink a 44 oz soda when your next activity requires reverence in a sacred place!

15. Make sure your ring tone on your cell phone is church appropriate at all times!! :o)

16. I have learned that the song in my heart is worth singing out loud ... even if no one else alive likes the tune!!! God does ... He composed it!

17. Changing your attitude, can change your life ... bad or good ... the choice is yours!

18. If you think you're crazy ... you probably are ... but a little crazy makes life alot more fun!

19. If you are too tired to find the joy in life ... (choose the answer that fits you the best)
a. get medicated
b. take a nap
c. or slow down

20. Never let it be said that a new pair of shoes can't change your life ... just ask Dorothy or Cinderella!

21. Be more patient. Living in frustration will constitute regret at some point! And as I said before whining and complaining just wastes precious time! (see life lesson #1)

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